Just bought Royal Purple 0w-40 even though I am a Mobil 1 guy because....

Sep 20, 2002
New York, NY
So I am in Europe and with winter breaking I was looking for a 0w-XX oil as my car just went across 5000 miles since last oil change.
It is just over 10,300 miles and had its first change at 1060 miles and its second at 5041 miles.

I did not want to go as thin as a 0w-20 (not recommended here in germany by most, even in the winter, due to almost daily multi mile excursions to 100mph for some and I am one of them).
Also I am in an area of relatively mild winter. This is not the Alps. So far not a single night below freezing yet.

This is for a 2023 Armada with the famous VK56VD, which in recent years is now OEM recommended in USA for 0w-20, in Germany for 5w-30 and used to be recommended 5w-40 in GE, until recently.
This is a 32 valve, all aluminum 5.6 liter V8, with forged rods, pistons, crankshaft, titanium valves, closed deck, factory Molybenumsteel cylinder sleeves 400 hp.

So being it is winter here now, I was looking for a 0w-30 or a 0w-40 . Like my old go-to Mobil 1 0w-40,

The Nissan OEM 5w-40 is in it now, put in by a local Nissan dealer (though they recommended 5w-30 as hier first choice but I wanted to run the original VK56 oil grade in it, which here in GE was 5w-40 a few years back)

Thing is, I was at the PX and the only 0w-XX oil I could find at first was 0w-20 and that was "Mobil syn", not Mobil 1.

We all know Mobil's premium PAO oil is Mobil 1 so IMHO this is a bit of an economy oil made to meet 0w-20 spec and likely with a marginal HTHS value.
I wasnt interested in that.
All other oils, such as Castrol and Mobil 1 were available only in a 5w-30 or 5w-40 grade.

A german auto parts store was roughly in the same boat except for some European oil that I did not know from Adam.

Was about the leave the PX, but spotted Royal Purple at 0w-40, which was what i had been looking for.
Same price as Mobil 1 and the high end syn Castol that was also available in a 5w-40 and ina 5w-30.

Feels odd to me since I was never an RP guy, but this is what I got.

Also the filter I needed was not available at the PX, got a Bosch 2041 filter at a german auto store, which fits the VK56VD up until model years 2018 or 2019 in a Nissan NV van..
Of course mine is a 2023, but their fit chart did not go past 2018 since vehicles with this engine have not been sold in GE since...

It says "premium" on the box, but i believe thats just marketing.
It was a semi syn filter material.

The specs I find are real good though; for filtration: 99 % at 20 microns, if Memory serves, according to a recent spread sheet i found on here.

Still not sure, if it is really a "Premium" filter, seems more like a decent mid range to me, since Bosch has a filter thats a step up from "premium".
But this is the only filter that fits the motor that I could get at the german parts store ( and they had to order it and it came in that afternoon), and I told them to pick the "best" one regardless of price. But there was only an Army of one.'

One thing that makes me a bit nervous it was listed on thier data base as "fits Armada up to 2018".

Sure its been the same engine since then, but for the life of me I have not been able to find any reference that says 2023 Armada.
Which asks for Nissan filter part number 15208-9E01A.

However this part number 15208-9E01A is listed as "replaces" among others, Nissan part number Oil filter 15208-9E000.
And 15208-9E000 is what the Bosch P2041 is listed as crossreference fit, on another site.
Also the Mobil 1 filter M1-110 is listed as cross referenced to Nissan 15208-9E000 AND 15208-9E01A (my OEM part) .
And 15208-9E000 crossrefences to Bosch P2041.
But that same chart does not cross reference M1-110 to Bosch P2041.

I have a Fram Ultra XG7317 that I bought in the US for this engine, somewhere in the house in a moving box, which I trust more form fit and specs, but I cant find it.

I invite comments on either my Oil or filter choices, since I am not feeling so warm and fuzzy on the choices I made, pushed by local availabilities.
And with freezing weather around the corner, I do not wish to delay the oil change much longer.

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Its a long backstory but a number of times RP did not get the latest /greatest certification because their oils were actually more robust than competitors oils. RP made a better oil, and people here irrationally hated it, despite never using it. Once the RP hate bandwagon got rolling it was impossible to stop. They could not figure out RP actally had a better additive package, but RP was bashed for being "behind the times". At some point, RP decided to go ahead and get the latest certifications, and their oil was not as robust as before. That didn't matter to many posters though, the hate was still just as intense.

Point of this is, don't let that 2018 fit chart throw you. RP is still a very fine oil. Use with confidence.
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Its a long backstory but a number of times RP did not get the latest /greatest certification because their oils were actually more robust than competitors oils. RP made a better oil, and people here irrationally hated it, despite never using it. Once the RP hate bandwagon got rolling it was impossible to stop. They could not figure out RP actally had a better additive package, but RP was bashed for being behind the times. At some point, RP decided to go ahead and get the latest certifications, and their oil was not as robust as before. That didn't matter to many posters though, the hate was still just as intense.

Point of this is, don't let that 2018 fit chart throw you. RP is still a very fine oil. Use with confidence.
Do you have any thoughts on the Bosch P 2041 filter?

Its a german market filter but it is not shown to fit a 2023 Armada (* which never existed here).

But it is shown to fit the VQ40de (from frontier and Xterra) which uses the same filter as the VK56, and also to fit a Nissan van over here tha they had with the VK56. and which also fits Fram 7317 series which also fits the VK56VD.
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Royal Purple is a fine oil and meets many specs as API SP-Acea,A-3/B-3-21, BMW long lIfe-01,Ford wss-M2C937-A,MB,226.5,229.3,229.5,Renault-0700/0710,VW,502.00/505.00,Porche-A-40,PSA B71-2296,,,,,and a pour point of -54f,,,HTHS--3.6, and a FP of 450f,,,,sounds like a good oil to me, Easly comparable to mobil 0w-40 and others in this classification ,got it in my lawn mower & generator and have not had no trouble, not sure why the Royal Purple haters on this site,,they have excellent products.one of the best oils I have used.
Its a long backstory but a number of times RP did not get the latest /greatest certification because their oils were actually more robust than competitors oils. RP made a better oil, and people here irrationally hated it, despite never using it. Once the RP hate bandwagon got rolling it was impossible to stop. They could not figure out RP actally had a better additive package, but RP was bashed for being "behind the times". At some point, RP decided to go ahead and get the latest certifications, and their oil was not as robust as before. That didn't matter to many posters though, the hate was still just as intense.

Point of this is, don't let that 2018 fit chart throw you. RP is still a very fine oil. Use with confidence.
Sort of the same as HPL at this point? They don't have all the approvals and as many here list is because they are a lot more robust with no issues using or recommending. They do what they do and not reducing their quality to "meet" the spec or pay for the certs.

My eye doctor was the same with my previous vision insurance plan so he didn't accept it (but others he does). They wouldn't pay him for the services or recommended. I went to him anyway and paid the out of network coverage difference.

I've never used RP but do use some HPL. One of my co-workers (Maintenance manager) was using RP in his Diesel Chevy PU that he said had over 300k on it.
Its a long backstory but a number of times RP did not get the latest /greatest certification because their oils were actually more robust than competitors oils. RP made a better oil, and people here irrationally hated it, despite never using it. Once the RP hate bandwagon got rolling it was impossible to stop. They could not figure out RP actally had a better additive package, but RP was bashed for being "behind the times". At some point, RP decided to go ahead and get the latest certifications, and their oil was not as robust as before. That didn't matter to many posters though, the hate was still just as intense.

Point of this is, don't let that 2018 fit chart throw you. RP is still a very fine oil. Use with confidence.
Now if you want to old stuff that had too much ZDDP for the certs, you have to buy the HPS stuff.
Forgive what might be an interjection of ignorance, but I recall learning that some (all?) Nissan oils have some Group V (ester technology) in them.
Is your search caused by this?

Also, I have no prob with Bosch filters....but that tells you nothing because it means nothing.
But I think they're OK.

Any Nissan owners' clubs over there?
You're in Deutschland and the name Ravenol hasn't come up? ...just askin'.

Years ago, a RP rep told me they start with Mobil1 base oils. That doesn't help either, I suppose. Better info in post #9.
Do you have any thoughts on the Bosch P 2041 filter?
The only concern would be the fitment. If it fits, I will use the Bosch in a heartbeat.

Bosch is a very good make. Use with confidence!

Sort of the same as HPL at this point? They don't have all the approvals and as many here list is because they are a lot more robust with no issues using or recommending. They do what they do and not reducing their quality to "meet" the spec or pay for the certs.
Yes, "sort of the same" as far as lacking approvals due to a robust formulation. I am glad some actually can understand this.

Nothing the same at all regarding BITOG love. Love is completely over the top here for HPL, while RP was passionately hated by an irrational mob back in the day. Crazy thing is, the old RP and todays HLP have a lot in common.