July 4 Three Stooges marathon

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There you go! I KNEW there was more to you than occasional oil filter cashes.

You're a true mind "Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk"

MY FAVE: Roman soldier looking for a runaway lady who the Stooges have hidden -"What's behind those drapes?"
-------- Curley-------"The back of the drapes!"
Shemp: "I smell somethin' awful..."
Moe: "You're tellin' ME? Why don't you use cologne?"

Larry: "We're rich! We're filthy with dough!"
Moe: "You're filthy without it."
No one and I mean NO ONE will ever be as AWESOME as the Three Stooges!!

What does a navigator do? Haha @1:10. And @ 8:18 they just shovel all the parts back into the engine bay and it starts right up haha!! This is one of my favorite episodes!!
My favorite is the one where Curly goes nuts every time he here's Pop Goes the Weasle. This is of course used to make him a prize fighter.
I saw this and was thinking it was a Three Stooges themed run.

We have a local Tour de Stooges bike ride in May or June each year and when I saw the subject, thought of something like that.

Maybe someone does this. Of course, I'm probably only good for a 5k when it comes to running.

Originally Posted By: NormanBuntz
On July 4 there's a Three Stooges marathon on the IFC cable network until 3 p.m.

Spread out!
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