Johnny... Pennzoil CCS question

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Jan 16, 2003
Shippensburg, PA
How does the Pennzoil High Mileage CCS compare to the regular dino CCS (10W-30 and 5W-30)? Pennzoil data sheets do not list ACTUAL numbers.
Ditto. I've been wondering this for a while, as the pour points of the Pennzoil high mileage oils are significantly weaker than their regular counter parts. Although I started up with 5w-30 pennz HM without a hitch at -8 F
Anecdotal evidence about this - In my sons Nissan we noticed substantially more cold weather startup rattle with the Pennzoil HM than with their standard dino...
Hmmm. I have read several times on this that Pennzoil has great cold weather properties, but the regular 5w30 Ccv is just average. The pour point is very good, but isn't Ccv a better indicator of winter flow?
Thanks a lot Johnny!!

With regards to cold properties, I think it was Doug Hillary or HeyJay that posted about CCS vs. MRV. He indicated that MRV is a more meaningfull measure, and since regular Pennzoils borderline pumping temp is SUBSTANTIALLY better than high mileage, I think it would still be an excellent winter oil. It started just fine in my Dad's truck on many an occasion in the CO mountains at temps around -10 to -15 F.
Boy, I wish my wife paid this much attention to me.
Sorry for the late response, I've been away. I will try to answer this the best I can by showing some comparisons between regular Pennzoil 5W30 vs High Mileage 5W30. The first numbers will be regular 5W30

Vis @ 100C, cSt 10.5 12.0
Vis Index 160 165
Pour Point F -44 -27
Low Temp Vis (cP) 6600@-30 7000@-30
Border Pump Temp C -35 -20
Flash Point F 420 445

I hope this helps. The High Mileage oils have a thicker base stock and are not designed to meet ILSAC approvals (fuel mileage, etc). If you live in Fargo or Fairbanks and are looking for winter oils, I would not use any high mileage oils out there.
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