I am one who has tried different oils in my cars. I have gone as little as 100-200 miles then switched to another. Oil is relatively cheep to experiment with. I have gone as little as 50 miles on a gear oil.
For example, in my Maranello I went from a 40 to a 20 wt. synthetic. The oil pressure dropped only 10 PSI or less at 2,000 RPM - from around 80 to around 70-75. The temperature dropped 25 degrees however.
If the oil was half as thick one would think the pressure should drop to 40 PSI. After all who cares what the lab value is, engine conditions are what count.
There are different views for sure but the litmus test is in your engine and with as many ways to test the oil as possible including but not limited to seat of the pants, MPG, consumption, BHP, and wear analysis.