Is there a shortage of Eggo Waffles in your area?

Apr 27, 2010
Suburban Washington DC
For maybe the last 4 to 6 months, the Thick & Fluffy variety are either gone or have a just a few boxes left in the supermarkets I visit. The regular style is always in stock. Anyone else notice that?
Buy them online? Wally and Target may have them.
They're frozen waffles. Don't want them thawed longer than it takes to drive home from the store. Shipping frozen will cost more than the waffles. The thick and fluffy are really awesome waffles. My store was out last week. The regular Eggos don't compare to the Thick and Fluffy.

My store has been out of Shout and OxyClean laundry stain remover for months. Don't know if it's obsolete or they're just out but there is no powder laundry detergent to be had, either.
The thick and fluffy are really awesome waffles.
Our son bought them a few weeks ago and I had some and yes, they are really good. I've looked for them in the grocery (not real hard and only if I remembered) but haven't seen them myself.
Why not make them yourself.
You can use healthier ingredients, store them in the freezer and prepare the same as Eggo's
That's what we do. We add things like fresh milled flax/chia to make them far more hearty.
Cost will be probably cheaper too.
Trust me, they are way better than anything I could possibly make. Not to mention I don't particularly like to cook.
My waffle maker gets real jealous if I even give a sideways glance at Eggos.

Didn't care for the EGGO Thick and Fluffy. Not crispy enough. I prefer the Nutrigrain if I am not making any.
Not sure about Eggo name brand, but Grocery Outlet had plenty of their regularly stocked off-brand in the freezer section the other day