Is Ford the "my wife left me" company now?

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Sep 28, 2002
I don't know if I grasped the intent of the commercial totally ..but I believe I saw a dad saying good bye to his children ..them getting into an SUV driven by who would be their mother and saying "I'll see you in two weeks (maybe it was "next week")".

Now who made the "Bold Moves". Him for moving out ..or her for kicking him out ...or what

What are they thinking? Ford, the car you buy when you're divorcing your wife!

[ August 29, 2006, 12:59 AM: Message edited by: Gary Allan ]
Maybe by "see you in two weeks" he means "see you in court" for the divorce proceedings. BOLDMOVES - buy a car with your husbands money, divorce him, take the children. Have you driven a Ford, lately?
Bottom shelf products for bottom shelf people?
As a family that has two Fords,(an 05 Mustang GT and a 06 Fusion), I find that statement very offensive and ignorant.

What kind of vehicle do you drive Thermactor? Or do you still ride the bus?
The Hummer "Playground" ad with the kid getting bullied is much less confusing.
I think it's getting to that point where the brain dead MBAs at the Big Three need to stop enabling the Madison Avenue junkies by confiscating their crack pipes.
American TV ads have been getting very strange in the past several years, with the shock ads that try to scare you, and the creepy burger king guy. Is this an example of self arrested development?
While I don't agree that divorce, single parents, broken homes, etc. are necessarily good topics to be covered by tv commercials for cars, I somewhat applaud their effort to acknowledge that what you're seeing on the screen represents real life for millions of American families. I'm not sure how they expected this newly exposed topic to help them sell cars, but they "went there" when nobody else seems to. They likely held a large focus group concerning this type off commercial and they must have gotten a good response, or you wouldn't have seen it on national tv at all. I guess we can expect Ford's advertising company to hit upon more and more social topics to help them hawk their vehicles. Don't be too shocked to see a gay couple dropping their kids off at band practice in a new Edge.
I needed some thought to process it when I first saw it.

My interpretation, yes they are divorced but instead of going there seperate lives as divored parents and doing their own thing for their time without the other parent they did something as a family.

What they did at least in commercial is better than what some married parents do with their children, spent time as a family.

Like it or not divorce is a normal occurence in our country. I just think its unfair if a child who never asked to be born has to deal. Still it may be better than the alternative. I cannot judge nor should anyone else.
I saw it too. Seems like they are trying to reaach out to all the other stereotypes that are not in a typical commercial. But, divorce is a normal thing nowadays and Ford was just tapping into that to try and make an image like "we understand." Reality: There would be gun shots going off if it were my ex. Or exit to the next scene: Current girlfriend of ex husband asks: So, where have you been and what have YOU been doing????
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