Interesting visit to Walmart (yes it's oil related)

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Staff member
May 27, 2002
Guelph, Ontario
When I arrived at the oil section of Walmart this morning, I noticed there is a new oil for sale there now. It's Walmart brand Tech 2000 High Mileage oil. They've jumped on the bandwagon too. They have 5w30 and 10w30 4.4L jugs there for $10.72 (CDN dollars) This stuff is made by Safety Kleen.

I also spotted a couple of real oldies there too, they still had those 7 bottles of Advanced Formula Mobil 1 15w50, SJ formula! Talk about old! And they also had a 0w30 oil called Finest 100% synthetic Supreme. This was Walmart's brand I believe. It too was SJ formula. It's made by Syn-Oil International of Toronto.

For those of you who like Pennzoil, they have 4.73L (almost 5 quarts) of 10w30 and 5w30 for $8.47.

While I was there I spotted the motherload of 0w30 Syntec and grabbed two more bottles. They've got quite a lot of it at the Meadowvale Walmart (401/Winston Churchill) just like Paul told us the other day.

And I came out of there without getting oil on my hands for once!

Originally posted by Patman:
For those of you who like Pennzoil, they have 4.73L (almost 5 quarts) of 10w30 and 5w30 for $8.47.

I don't meant to sound anal about it, but 4.73L is not "almost 5 quarts", it's exactly 5 quarts.
While the subject is Walmart, I'll fill you in what I saw at the local Walmart in New Jersey today. They didn't have any house brand high mileage oil as you saw in Canada. Another thing is their supertech full synthetic has not been on the shelf in about a month. The supply of orange in the filter section is slowly but surely winning the battle vs supertech for shelf space. They had a good supply of chevron for 1.08 USD.

Originally posted by Patman:
When I arrived at the oil section of Walmart this morning, I noticed there is a new oil for sale there now. It's Walmart brand Tech 2000 High Mileage oil. They've jumped on the bandwagon too. They have 5w30 and 10w30 4.4L jugs there for $10.72 (CDN dollars) This stuff is made by Safety Kleen.

Safety Kleen is one of two major North American oil re-refiners. I don't think they produce newly refined oil.

I'm with ken2. There was a time when it stated on the container 're-cycled' or 're-refined'. That was about 8 years ago. Today it reads 'made from high IV base stock', whatever that is. Also new is that Safety-kleen sold the used oil collection business to a co. called Clean-harbors, but that's not saying they sold the refining facilities. Also to Patman, I'm actually the guy who prospected the 0w30 Castrol.(my first post!)

Originally posted by Green Max:


Originally posted by Patman:
For those of you who like Pennzoil, they have 4.73L (almost 5 quarts) of 10w30 and 5w30 for $8.47.

I don't meant to sound anal about it, but 4.73L is not "almost 5 quarts", it's exactly 5 quarts.

You're right! I pulled out my trusty calculator and figured it out, since I know one quart is 946ml. I had always thought 5 quarts was exactly 4.785 L, but I think I know where the confusion was. It's because one US gallon equals 3.785L!

Originally posted by BrewCityR:
You TO guys should have a WalMart meet. But, man, that is about $5.77USD for 5 qts of Pennzoil. Nice price!

Not as nice as the 4L of GTX I bought there for $5 CDN a few weeks back. That works out to 85 cents US per quart!

We should have a Walmart meet up here, there are about 5 or 6 of us on this board who live near that Walmart, yet none of us have ever met.
Don't post much here but read alot. I was at Walmart last nite and saw a few cases of some VERY generic "All Car" 10w-40 SF rated oil the shelf. Said on the fronte "meets SF standards." How old is that ????

Originally posted by Patman:
When I arrived at the oil section of Walmart this morning,...

I have this vision of your arrival, coffee in one hand, donut in the other, settling in to provide ready assistance for the confused and confounded oil customer.

Originally posted by Rick in PA:


Originally posted by Patman:
When I arrived at the oil section of Walmart this morning,...

I have this vision of your arrival, coffee in one hand, donut in the other, settling in to provide ready assistance for the confused and confounded oil customer.

Hehe, believe it or not, even though I love talking about oil, I've yet to strike up a conversation with a total stranger about oil in the aisles of Walmart!
Well finaly got my mittens on some of that German Castrol 0W30. All of you board members persuaded me to try some of this stuff. Funny that I had to got a little town WalMart (Brockville), 1 hour away from me
They had 6 bottles in front and the remainder was old stock... My local WM still doesnt have it.
Just goes to show "nerver say nerver"... I can still hear myself say "no more Castrol in this garage..."

Originally posted by 2K2AcuraTL:
Well finaly got my mittens on some of that German Castrol 0W30. All of you board members persuaded me to try some of this stuff. Funny that I had to got a little town WalMart (Brockville), 1 hour away from me
They had 6 bottles in front and the remainder was old stock... My local WM still doesnt have it.
Just goes to show "nerver say nerver"... I can still hear myself say "no more Castrol in this garage..."

Yep, I too swore never to use Syntec in my cars, but then again this stuff is only Syntec on the label. I'm still amazed that this oil is available to us here for such a good price, and that Castrol didn't raise it's prices over their group 3 oils. Let's just hope the UOAs show this oil to perform. I wonder who will be the first to post one? I probably won't have a UOA on this oil until June or July, the first one will be my sister's car.
Haha.. I'm up for a Walmart meet.. Do I have to wear my $10 track suit and sneakers/cap?
Ie the "unofficial" Saturday afternoon Walmart shopper uniform?

I'm in the middle of my M1 0w40 experiment.. if it doesn't work out I'll try the 0w30.. if I can still find it in the GTA after Pat is done raiding every west end Walmart in the city..

Originally posted by Quick_lude:
Haha.. I'm up for a Walmart meet.. Do I have to wear my $10 track suit and sneakers/cap?
Ie the "unofficial" Saturday afternoon Walmart shopper uniform?

I'm in the middle of my M1 0w40 experiment.. if it doesn't work out I'll try the 0w30.. if I can still find it in the GTA after Pat is done raiding every west end Walmart in the city..

Don't worry, I'll save some for you!

PS, how much longer do you figure it'll be before you have a UOA on the 0w40? How many miles are you going to run it for until you take your sample?
Patman and others...

What are the virgin oil spec of the SLX vs M1 vs Amsoil?

I just picked me up a few more bottles - 13 and counting.... :-) After I run some AutoRx in a 97 Z24 with 113K, I'll be switching over to the SLX on my girlfriends car.

I just found out my old car is a write-off after an accident and I'm looking at getting a 99 A4 1.8T. Do you think the Castrol would be a good fit for a turbo'd engine?

I was wondering if anyone here from Mississauga or TO are interesting in ordering some AutoRx or Neutra? I'll be picking some up so if you wanted to split on shipping - I'd be up for handling the ordering. We could always meet at Walmart!

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