Interested in crushing Ubuntu?

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May 31, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
The only thing that can save Microsoft now are the geeks that want to keep Linux pure and only available to those willing to learn arcane command line sequences.
Originally Posted By: labman
The only thing that can save Microsoft now are the geeks that want to keep Linux pure and only available to those willing to learn arcane command line sequences.

Unfortunately for Microsoft, those geeks are not working on Ubuntu.

At least they've got nothing to fear from Slackware.
Microsoft is like the BIG-3 it's over for them... They are on borrowed time and will crash like the BIG-3 are right now. People are tired of inferior operating systems that are a pig on resources. Why else would Linux and Apple be gaining so much market share?
I don't think so. They OWN the OEM pre-load market. It's the crown-jewel of everything computing. That isn't changing anytime soon!

Windows 7 is a fine product. It won't spell the end of MS.

Now if they released another disaster like Vista (5 year cycle between releases, complete re-write mid-stream, etc) then I'd agree with you. So far, this looks like the 'win' that MS needs in the marketplace.

This only helps consumers. And the more pressure that Ubuntu, Apple & such put on MS, the better it is for consumers.

So no, I'm not interested in crushing any formidable competition to Windows. It only makes for a better Windows and better products overall.
Originally Posted By: StevieC
Microsoft is like the BIG-3 it's over for them... They are on borrowed time and will crash like the BIG-3 are right now. People are tired of inferior operating systems that are a pig on resources. Why else would Linux and Apple be gaining so much market share?

That may be one of the most uninformed comments I've ever seen.

Although Windows Vista was a flop, Microsoft isn't only in the desktop marketplace. Office still dominates the desktop in businesses, Windows Servers are gaining market share and SQL Server is the fastest growing product in the database/business intelligence market. Add to that development platforms such as Visual Studio/.NET and round it out with business management software like Microsoft Dynamics. People who have Sync seem to like it and I don't see that market share dropping once vehicle sales rebound.

Yeah, sure sounds like a company for whom it's "over". Looking only at desktop products is taking a very myopic view of the overall company.
Quality has nothing to do with Microsoft's success. They own the market because they provide easy to use products, support for those products, and solutions to get the job done. Apple has gained some ground in the consumer space but its unlikely they'll ever unseat MS in the enterprise.

If anything is going to be Microsoft's undoing, it will be thin clients and cloud computing, but I'm not holding my breath.
Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
+1 Microsoft has not yet begun to fight.

Apparently you did not read TFA that begat this thread. They're posting for a new job title they've created to help stem the rising tide of F/LOSS competition. I think that may be the very definition of "beginning to fight".
Originally Posted By: uc50ic4more
Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
+1 Microsoft has not yet begun to fight.

Apparently you did not read TFA that begat this thread. They're posting for a new job title they've created to help stem the rising tide of F/LOSS competition. I think that may be the very definition of "beginning to fight".

Apparently you don't know where the phrase originated.
Originally Posted By: ToyotaNSaturn
Uh oh, this thread had dissolved into a "find Waldo's (Ballmer's) hidden quotes" thread.

Thanks, guy... I started re-reading all of these posts to see if I could find anything in there that seemed like it came from Ballmer; and then I got hit by a flying chair.
"I think it would be absolutely reckless and irresponsible for anyone to try and break up Microsoft."
-Steve Ballmer
"Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches."
-Steve Ballmer
OK, I am officially not following along anymore, and am confused. Are these random quotes, or do they have some relevance to the thread about Microsoft posting for a job that entails someone helping Microsoft fight F/LOSS?

Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
"I think it would be absolutely reckless and irresponsible for anyone to try and break up Microsoft."
-Steve Ballmer

Luckily, no one's trying to break anybody up. I'm not sure who, aside from some hardcore commie types, *would* want to forcibly break apart Microsoft, or even take issue with their right to make massive amounts of cash. Or to have popularized personal computers. Or to innovate.

This may all change if they ever try anything like this again, though!

Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
"Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches."
-Steve Ballmer

This comment probably has much more to do with the GPL than the Linux kernel, or Linux based OS's; and, although perhaps kinda sorta accurate, is a very negative way of expressing the GPL's insistence on open source-ness on elements that are part and parcel with open source software. I'm no lawyer, but the GPL does seem a little draconian in places, and makes it real tough for for-profit, closed-source software makers to even attempt to play nice with F/LOSS.
I think it is very silly to talk about 'crushing' anybody. Really, we would all be much better off if there was more competition when it comes to operating systems.

At least at this time Microsoft is probably more concerned with Apple than with Linux. In the USA Apple is now close to 10% market share but Linux desktop (not servers) is less than 1% market share. So why would Microsoft be trying to 'crush' Linux?

I wonder about people who constantly talk about Microsoft being finished in a few years or destroying or 'crushing' Microsoft. When I was thinking about switching to Linux about 5 years ago I used to spend a lot of time at the Linux websites and I still remember people at the Linux websites talking about Microsoft being gone in 5 years. Well, here it is 5 years later.

We all benefit in my opinion by there being a choice. Linux can be a good choice for some but not for me because of lack of compatibility with various hardware I need. And Mac OS X runs good but I can buy a Windows computer cheaper.

Some people have a serious problem with this strange 'Star Wars' view that Microsoft is the 'Dark Empire' and Linux and Apple are the free universe. Microsoft became successful for various reasons including the fact that Microsoft Office is the dominate office productivity software and various versions of Windows are on most of the world's desktop computers.

Hate Microsoft all you want but Microsoft is so dominate in the desktop computer world and the business world that even if Microsoft went into steady decline you would probably still have to tolerate Microsoft for at least another decade.

Everything I have heard so far about Windows 7 (which is being tested now in beta form by various organizations and people) is very positive. You can consider Windows Vista a failure if you want but it certainly looks like Windows 7 will be good.

Does it ever become tiring hating Microsoft? I don't hate Linux. It just does not work for me. I need for scanners and photo printers to work and I can't wait forever for Linux desktop operating systems to finally have support. And in order to get support if I have to run WINE on a Linux computer what exactly is the point? I might as well run Windows. I don't hate Apple either. I used Apple computers for many years. It is just cheaper to run Windows. It makes economic sense to me to buy a Windows computer that costs half or a third what the Apple computer costs and that can do the same stuff, plus I have keep upgrading the Windows computer and not have to buy a new computer. Hatred is a self destructive emotion.
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