Insanity workout?

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It is a pretty good video based workout. It is a very good workout if you want to improve your cardio, strength, and overall fitness.
Depends on what your wanting to do. If you want to get into better cardio shape insanity is the way to work. If you want to build muscle and become tone P90X is the way to go but... Remember this, a good diet is not 50% exercise and 50% dieting/eating but rather 100% dedication to exercise and eating right.
A lot of people have hurt themselves doing it. It's not something most people can just pick up and do. I had two friends that were in decent shape to begin with and after the first week both had their doctors tell them "you are hurting yourself".
Insanity is a great cardio workout that involves moving in ways your body has not moved in a long time. Buy yourself a GREAT pair of cross trainers (shoes) before you start! If you are hurting yourself then slow down and work on your form!
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