I am a recent convert to syn. concept and want advice on changing over. I've spent HOURS reading posts, so please don't accuse me of not using the search function, but now I'm paralyzed with info overload. Current situation is:
2000 Dodge Stratus, 2.5L, 115K miles, original owner, regular OCI. Last 10K has had 5W30 Amsoil and Amsoil oversized filter, and I did nothing special when I converted. Before this, has been all dyno. Oil consumption has been ~0.5 qt. in last 10K.
1995 Mitsu Mirage, 1.8L, 118K miles, all dyno to date, minimal consumption, sporatic OCI bewteen 3 and 6K, maybe an 8K in there. There is some valve tap on cold days and cold start, stops in
Going forward:
I want to keep these cars as long as possible. Will use Amsoil or Valvoline Max. Syn. Willing to use oversized filters, flushes, cleaners and/or additives. I have Wisconsin weather and not willing to change weight according to season.
OCI? Oil weight? Filter recommendation? Change filter more frequently than OCI? VSOT? Oil flush before converting to syn or during syn usage, i.e. Auto-RX, LC20, Pyroil, Amsoil, others? Cost is a factor so I'm not willing throw everything at them with an OCI of 3K.
I am a recent convert to syn. concept and want advice on changing over. I've spent HOURS reading posts, so please don't accuse me of not using the search function, but now I'm paralyzed with info overload. Current situation is:
2000 Dodge Stratus, 2.5L, 115K miles, original owner, regular OCI. Last 10K has had 5W30 Amsoil and Amsoil oversized filter, and I did nothing special when I converted. Before this, has been all dyno. Oil consumption has been ~0.5 qt. in last 10K.
1995 Mitsu Mirage, 1.8L, 118K miles, all dyno to date, minimal consumption, sporatic OCI bewteen 3 and 6K, maybe an 8K in there. There is some valve tap on cold days and cold start, stops in
Going forward:
I want to keep these cars as long as possible. Will use Amsoil or Valvoline Max. Syn. Willing to use oversized filters, flushes, cleaners and/or additives. I have Wisconsin weather and not willing to change weight according to season.
OCI? Oil weight? Filter recommendation? Change filter more frequently than OCI? VSOT? Oil flush before converting to syn or during syn usage, i.e. Auto-RX, LC20, Pyroil, Amsoil, others? Cost is a factor so I'm not willing throw everything at them with an OCI of 3K.