Industry Resistance to Biofuels

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Originally Posted By: CCI
Any thoughts on this?

Seems like there is some case to be made for the notion that ethanol has always been primarily a farm subsidy in disguise and a way to keep arable land in agriculture.

Keeping arable land in agriculture could certainly be viewed as legitimate policy in the national interest, but I've always suspected that we'd be better off without the bio-fuel, diesel or gas.

Is it Industry or the purchasing Public that is resistant?
Originally Posted By: Iowegian
Originally Posted By: OneEyeJack
I just wish that they'd do something with corn besides feeding it to cows and making fake sugar and mixing it with real food.

Corn syrup is some of the worse [censored] you can put in your body.
I prefer grass fed beef. Better tasting and healthier.

Now, we do have an ethanol refinery near me that uses corn stalks. Corn stalks are useless, nutrient void, rubbish. It's only possible use is to prevent wind erosion.
Some farmers around me with cattle will bale up the corn stalks for winter feed.
This thread is funny. We are adding ethanol capacity in our terminals so that more gasoline can be moved at the request and cost of the refiner.
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