I'm trying not to be critical, but it is hard.

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Originally Posted By: simple_gifts

This needs some work.

It's a bit minimalistic. Flags are often overdone, though.

“We [Americans] are the lavishest and showiest and most luxury-loving people on the earth; and at our masthead we fly one true and honest symbol, the gaudiest flag the world has ever seen.”

Mark Twain
I'm surprised nobody has yet suggested the French flag should be plain white.

I'm surprised nobody has yet suggested the French flag should be plain white

Didn't the Germans surrender about the same # of times during the 20th century....?
Originally Posted By: simple_gifts

I'm surprised nobody has yet suggested the French flag should be plain white

Didn't the Germans surrender about the same # of times during the 20th century....?

Simplicissimus, what you not unexpectedly fail to grasp is that I was being cynical. I was merely hinting at the general sentiment by the local plebs towards the French. See RWEST's expected reaction to my quip. I go nothing against the French -- and why should I? Not only was I "Made in France," but I spent a couple years there. Can you dig it?
Bashing the French? They don't care. They'll still engage in their conceptual art and fornicate in the streets right in front of you. Dog dirt be darned.

(from Monty Python and the Holy Grail as Arthur, King of the Briton's declares his sovereignty over them)

We fatulate in your jeneral direc-cion!

(but while we're here

France has elevated their alert status from RUN to HIDE. The only higher levels are SURRENDER and COLLABORATE.
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