When Enco changed thier name to 'Exxon', it was the first time that a company used an entirely made-up name that had no previous meaning or incarnation. There was a gigantic, company-sponsered contest to come up with the name.
Very popular gimmick now, though. Think 'Acura', or 'Integra', 'Maxima'(wheres the 'Minima'?), 'Lexus'. All made up to sound vaugely familiar to other words with desirable definitions.
As far as other ICONS, what about ARCO(Atlantic Richfield Company), Phillips66, Gulf, Tenneco,...
And by the way, the Mobil Flying Horse is correctly called 'The Pegasus'.
[ December 07, 2002, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: cobravenom71 ]