It may longer than some want, but we are within just a few technological breakthroughs of electric vehicles completely taking over. Mark my words.
There are tipping points where new technology surpasses old technologies nearly instantaneously. What if a company comes out with an electric vehicle that gets something like 1000 miles of range, charges from 0-100% in 10 min, has half the rate of battery degradation, and costs $40,000? There would be very little reason to buy ICE anymore. There are technologies which could potentially deliver these kinds of numbers, so don’t be too surprised if it happens.
These breakthroughs happen periodically. Capacitive touchscreens took handheld devices from expensive niche products to mainstream necessities. Fiber optics enabled high speed internet in every household and business, allowing the proliferation of e-commerce. Refrigeration completely transformed home life.
Sometimes, a new technology changes everything, all at once.