I need a couple guys who have cut open oil filters!

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Jun 2, 2003
Ladies are welcome, too!

I want only opinions from people with at least some experience regarding cut-open filters. If you've never cut open a filter, please don't speculate, because it won't help me one bit. I'll explain later!

How many miles, or how much time, do you estimate this M1 filter has been in use, based on its looks.


It's torn because I used a saw, and because I was't doing brain surgery at the time. I also opened the pleats for a better view.

Originally posted by moribundman:
It's torn because I used a saw, and because I was't doing brain surgery at the time. I also opened the pleats for a better view.

Did we know that M1 filters had the infamous "string" or am I not properly seeing what I am seeing that I'm seeing...or something like that.
I don't know about the string, but I was a little surprised to see it there. I also noticed that the pleats were not very evenly spaced. That could be due to me sawing into the filter medium, though!

Mileage guesses are best! Can I please get a few more?

It's an M1 301.
If it is a syn or GPIII oil it could have alot of miles a GPI oil could be two or three thousand miles Also the filter looks like a purolater due to the string around element.M1 filters seem to have different looking pleats.
Compared to mine which have about 6K-7K miles on them, I'd say 1K-2K miles.

The rubber band on the left one was to hold it together for the photo shoot, since I cut it apart to examine it, measure media area, etc.

[ April 16, 2005, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: 427Z06 ]

Was this oil filter used in your 8,000 mile run in your Audi?

I need you to base your estimate ONLY on the appearance of the filter and not on speculation based on other information. I will explain my reason once I have a decent amount of estimates!
Actually, those are translucent, disposable gloves. A sack of 100 costs only $1. The pinkish hue is my skin!

One more estimate, please!
This is how the filter looks after 1,600 miles with M1 5W-40 and one bottle of ARX. No makeup oil was added. Oil consumption was ca 0.5 qts during those 1,600 miles. FP was added to the fuel at the regular dosage.

427Z06 was pretty much dead-on with his estimate. Everybody else guessed more miles than were actually on the filter.

I suppose the filter is a bit dirtier than the average filter after 1,600 miles. It will be interesting to see if the "rinse phase" will yield a dirtier filter. I hope so, because despite being a skeptic, I would like to see evidence of ARX doing some visual cleaning. The rinse fill is Delo 400. Updates will follow.

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