HVAC Parts

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"...and the offender is issued a 1st time offense fine of 10,000 minimum."

would love to see a case like that go into court. One person's not a witness, and the fine would be virtually impossible to enforce.

could you post an OFFICIAL site that supports this, otherwise I'm writing it off as netlore.
a number of individuals and companies have been prosecuted here, particularly in the early days (ten or so years ago) of the introduction of the Ozone Protection act.
Haven't heard anything recently, although currently licensing is being taken over by the feds from the states, and annual minimal occupational 'updates' or training are being mandated.

Originally posted by tom slick:
I am not an hvac tech nor do i play one on tv but i have read at that hvac site that the techs don't care for goodman equipment and quite often complain about it.
www.hvactalk.com is a website that was setup specifically for hvac pros. they allow anyone to sign up and post questions. if you want to read what the guys that work on the stuff for a living think go over and take a look.

as you probably know hvac work is very specialized and you can really screw stuff up or even kill someone if not done correctly. it doesn't really bother me that they don't sell to the general public.

sure that link is good?
looks to have been hijacked by some domain squatter domainsponor.com?
i just hostfiled em here.
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