Huge Tiger Prawns, Pumpkin Swordfish and Black Cod

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Oct 28, 2002
Everson WA - Pacific NW USA
Sometimes cash, sometimes trade, but great meals are made from fresh ingredients, knowledge of recipes from a variety of inputs and more than a few years of trial and error.

A feast was had.

Prawns were near a pound each, marinated in lemon, lemon zest, black pepper and much garlic. Quick saute.

Sashimi grade swordfish was marinated in a EVOO/BBQ sauce emulsion and just barely cooked so top and bottom were cooked but completely rare in the middle.

Butterfish, a little soy and ginger.

Dirty rice and curly kale.

My daughter is making almond macaroons now.

I think I need a nap.
That sounds like a seriously expensive meal, just from an ingredients standpoint.

I'm curious how much it would cost to put together something like this?
Originally Posted By: The Critic
That sounds like a seriously expensive meal, just from an ingredients standpoint.

I'm curious how much it would cost to put together something like this?

I believe the ingredients alone in cash terms approach $200
I have to say though, for quality meat and seafood, you can eat like a king at home for a fraction of the restaurant costs.

We got organic grass fed steak for $25 from Whole Foods and after 15 minutes on the grill, 2 people had a meal way better than that from premium steak houses.
Originally Posted By: Pablo
Sometimes cash, sometimes trade, but great meals are made from fresh ingredients, knowledge of recipes from a variety of inputs and more than a few years of trial and error.

A feast was had.

Prawns were near a pound each, marinated in lemon, lemon zest, black pepper and much garlic. Quick saute.

Sashimi grade swordfish was marinated in a EVOO/BBQ sauce emulsion and just barely cooked so top and bottom were cooked but completely rare in the middle.

Butterfish, a little soy and ginger.

Dirty rice and curly kale.

My daughter is making almond macaroons now.

I think I need a nap.

Sorry no pics. My wife doesn't like the whole pictures of your food thing. She has her reasons and I don't push it. Every once in awhile she laughs along with it when we are with friends away from home.

Trust me we have plenty of food left over. Shrimp/Fish for a few days? No I'll have it lunch and dinner today! Gone.
I was raised on fish, cod, haddock, flounder, clams because in a seaside town, fish was cheaper than beef. If I go out to eat, I order seafood.
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