I have run HPL CJ-4 HDEO 5w-30 in the Charger 3.6L for 11,000 miles and 27.5 months. I'm going to send in a sample to see if the oil is still serviceable. If it is serviceable, I will run it. The filter was changed at 5,000 miles and 10,000 miles.
The oil starts with a TBN > 14, what do you think the TBN is now?
2016 Dodge Charger second 5,000 mile interval oil filter change - HPL HDEO 5w-30 cleaning
Today I changed the oil filter in the 2016 Charger 3.6L after running 5,000 miles with High Performance Lubricants HDEO 5w-30. There is 65,000 miles total on the Charger, 10,000 miles on the oil, and 5,000 (second change) on the oil filter. The HPL oil is still cleaning some deposits off the...
The oil starts with a TBN > 14, what do you think the TBN is now?
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