How to explain parafinic oil is not wax

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Jun 3, 2002
How do I explain to some bonehead who still says "stay away from Pennzoil because it contains wax"?

What is parafinic oil vs. parafin wax?

Please, educate me. Thanks

PS - tried a search, but failed.
The bulk of base oils used on the U.S market are paraffinic base oils. The term describes the straight chain hydrocarbon molecules and is not any reference to wax.

Naphthenic oils are used mainly as an additive in motor oils and see more use as industrial lubricants.

Ask your buddy "what is your favorite oil?" and chances are we can find a reference to paraffinic oil in the MSDS or other similar information.
start off ecplaining that methane is a simgle carbon atom parafinic's a gas.

Propane has carbon 3 atoms, and can be liquid at room temperature in a pressure vessel.

Butane has 4 carbon atoms, and can be liquid at room temperature in a platic disposable lighter.

Heptane has 7, and IS a liquid at room temperature, similar to gasoline.

Eventauly, you pass through lubricating oils, ans into products that are solid (waxes).

On second thoughts, listen to labman.
ask him if a Chevrolet Suburban and Chevrolet Corvette are the same vehicle. when he says "no" tell him but they are both chevys, both have v-8s, they must be the same! just because parafinic oil and parafin wax have similar names and come from the same original oil doesn't mean they are the same thing.
That's it, drag it to the lowest common denominator and build up
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