How Mufflers Work Video

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Originally Posted By: Pablo
Isn't he a child molester or is that just a BITOG malicious rumor?

No, he in fact was convicted of molesting his own children.

The papers are out there if you search. It's a shame cause on the outside, the guy is cool as heck.
That is too bad. Feel free to delete this then as I would not have posted this from him.
Originally Posted By: MGregoir
Listening to him and looking at him you can tell. They are easy to pick out.

I'm not defending pedophiles, but that's ridiculous.
I dunno, it might be a bias when you see someone on the news and they seem like what you perceive as the stereotype, so every time you see someone who fits a certain set of traits you rule them out as a kiddie fiddler.

Anyways, more than I ever wanted to be told about mufflers. Good video. I liked the one with the crushed Buick start-up.

Kind of graphic, but these documents were apparently provided by his ex wife and girlfriend.

It's a shame. Kind of like finding out your favorite politician's campaign for change is nothing more then a need for a change of diapers.

Since I've posted a lot of his videos here, I feel obligated to tell "the rest of the story".
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Well, he sure had a laundry list of untidy oddities there.

What would the Canadians do with a Naturalist camp? They seemed to put great emphasis on the harm done by walking around the house nude.
Women are allowed to walk around topless outdoors, here. But after seeing the ones who decide to take advantage of their freedom, it's not that big of a deal.
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Originally Posted By: Pablo
Isn't he a child molester or is that just a BITOG malicious rumor?

No, he in fact was convicted of molesting his own children.

The papers are out there if you search. It's a shame cause on the outside, the guy is cool as heck.

that is too funny. i knew there was something strange about that guy, and that one video of these two really young girls maybe his own daughters he was trying to get to do stuff weirddddd
he has quite a few interesting videos. one that comes to mind is about diesel engines and combustion theory. he's a pretty smart guy. he might have had some sort of off-color past but i'm not judging him for that. so many of his videos are hilarious!
Dave always aggressively pumps the gas trying to start fuel injected vehicles.

His videos are a good time waster; better than censored TV.
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