How many miles should I run on this oil?

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Dec 19, 2004
New Orleans La
A couple of years ago I bought a lot of 10w30 Trop Artic semi synthetic for a buck a quart from Dollar tree. Since then I bought a Tacoma with the 1GRE V6 engine. I've been running pretty much synthetic because of all those rebates at Oriley's. Well I'm out now because I also change the oil in the wife's FJ Cruiser that has the same engine. I change mom's oil too.

So last week I changed the Tacoma's oil and used the 10w30 Trop Artic semi synthetic and a Napa Gold filter. I plan on sending a sample to Blackstone. I think the 1GRE engine is ruff on oil because of the long timing chain. I did a sample runnig about 7500 miles using 5W30 Havoline synthic and the TBN came out to .1(that's right point one).

So what do you think, how many miles should I go for the first time on this oil?
6-7K Miles on both will be fine and leave you with a nice safety margin. Trop Artic is a great oil and will stand up great to this!
Originally Posted By: Bullet

So last week I changed the Tacoma's oil and used the 10w30 Trop Artic semi synthetic and a Napa Gold filter. I plan on sending a sample to Blackstone. I think the 1GRE engine is ruff on oil because of the long timing chain. I did a sample running about 7500 miles using 5W30 Havoline synthic and the TBN came out to .1(that's right point one).

So what do you think, how many miles should I go for the first time on this oil?

The TBN is only 0.1 with 7500 miles Havoline Synthetic, it's very obvious to run Trop Artic semi synthetic at less than 7500 miles. I would try 5k miles and do UOA while the oil is still in service. If TBN is more than 3 then I would extend the OCI to 7k miles.
For $1 per quart and your past UOA's, I probably would not stretch it past 5000 miles. You will get plenty of value from that length of OCI.
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