How do i know fitler is loaded after auto rx rinse?

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Aug 8, 2005
stamford, CT
Sorry about the questions guys! Looking for info to help me, so i don't mess things up. Okay i am entering rinse cycle of auto rx today, and have decided on pureolator pure one filter. Was gunna use a fram x2 extend guard. How do i know, when the fitler has laoded up with carbon, ect during the 2,000 miles? My car dosnt have an oil pressure guage.Just wanna know what signs or whatever too look for. I will msot likely do 2,000 miles, from now, up until about mid december.
In a severely sludged engine you can actually plug multiple filters during a clean phase and rinse phase. It has to be a severely sludged engine for this to occur. If it's just dirty, then a regular filter will handle the loading over that short a duration.

If you really want to know, just remove the filter and see if it's plugged. Pour the oil back into the engine and replace the filter.

Again, if you're just "keeping it tidy", I don't think you have to worry about it. If you've got a serious condition ..just throw on another filter.
If you had a fair amount of carbon in the wash phase, then I'd expect more in the rinse. Otherwise 2k is likely to be no problem.
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