Hey! Let's make our own oil...

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Aug 25, 2003
I noticed just by lurking at this site, there sure is a lot of info and knowledge about filters and oil. Sooo....
How bout coming out with "Bob The Oil Guy" line of filters and oil. Only the "BEST OF THE BEST".
(I'd be a dedicated customer.)

Then we will all be happy, our engines will last forever, the universe will be in balance and peace will reign on earth.
Jest a thot.
Well, I guess if we had the fluids and additives stocks and the equipment....Mola could come up with what he thinks might be "perfect", then we could all try it and see how it does in all areas. Improve on the design. Begin to sell the product and divide the gains in equal amounts among those who participated. As the bussines grows, we then put our "small" company on the S&P 500 so we can grow even further and hopefully chip away at Mobil's, Castrol's, etc, etc long list of customers. Before we know it, we have big fat butts and are driving Benz with a lot of hot mamas in 'em......

......keep on dreaming Rick!

ok Ok, maybe it would be a little bit difficult to chip away at mobil. BUT. why not come up with a blend that would provide the best overal protection and the longest interval for a specific class.

For example.

If you own a 4 Door sedan, 4 or 6 cyninder. non-turbo and do 50/50 highway city in a mild climate. use this. X parts mobil 1, 10x30. X parts Amsoil, X parts Shaffers, X parts green cool aide. or whatever.

I don't mean to be picky, but it is not green Kool-Aid; it is the Green Elixir of Life AKA Das grüne Elixier des Lebens. (Just didn't want you to be embarassed so this is just between you and me.)
Ach du Lieber, we may have something here!!

It could be called "Bob's Green Elixir of Life--Der Besten Technologie Straight From Der Fatherland--lasts a lifetime--never change your oil again!"

It would really be German Castrol with a little Schaeffer's moly mixed in (to save on actual production costs
). It would come in a 16 gallon container that the customer installs in his trunk. Also included in the kit is 3, count-em, 3 by-pass filters. With this much oil plus the by-pass, the customer never changes his oil again--instead, a little light on the dashboard tells him when he needs to add a quart--the car keeps running forever this way!

[ August 27, 2003, 11:10 AM: Message edited by: Rexman ]
, Rexman,

That takes lubrication to a whole new level...but will one quart of oil every so often satisfy the oil buying needs we all have?
Yikes!! Hadn't thought of that-- all of us habitual oil-aholics would be going into major withdrawal right and left.

If we couldn't try out cool new oils every month or add to our vast oil supplies in the basement, we'd have to clean up our acts and become respectable citizens again!
Nope. Go to (don't know if I can put this here) Synlube dot com.
Turn your sound down though.
They seem serious enough.


Yikes!! Hadn't thought of that-- all of us habitual oil-aholics would be going into major withdrawal right and left.

Hmmmm...............I can see the suicide rate going through the roof.
Suicide prevention anyone?

It could be called "Bob's Green Elixir of Life--Der Besten Technologie Straight From Der Fatherland--lasts a lifetime--never change your oil again!"

There is already an oil out there that lasts the lifetime of a vehicle. I found it yesterday surfing the internet while BITOG was down. It is called Synlube.

One weight for all vehicles, 5w-50. From the arctic to the tropics. "The first oil you do NOT change."
As a matter of fact, all this debating we do on BITOG is wasted time. Just use Synlube and you never have to worry about oil changes again!
"It is the first & only truly permanent lubricant suitable for use in all Automotive, Marine and Industrial applications.

"Go to Synlube dot com ... They seem serious enough."

"Serious" is a word. But I'd prefer "insane." Those of us who know a little more than the average guy know you need to change the oil to flush out accumulated contaminants. The Synlube-4-life is a classic snake oil pitch.

But, we've discussed that here before in the thread MolaKule posted a link to.

--- Bror Jace
GroupIII oil with a splash of the best esters and overloaded in a perfect symbiotic balance 'of course" tinted green at a reasonable cost.

[ August 30, 2003, 04:10 PM: Message edited by: Steve S ]
Ach du leeber! So that's it--German Castrol is really green snake oil! Very slithery and slippery stuff, you know! If only the good Herr Doktor had this stuff at his disposal, his Porsches would have ruled the racing world for forty years!

P.S. Uh, guys, when was the last time we had a vacation? Something tells me it might be time.

[ August 30, 2003, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: Rexman ]

don't mean to be picky, but it is not green Kool-Aid; it is the Green Elixir of Life AKA Das grüne Elixier des Lebens.

Y'all speakin' that Southern Jaoarman again?

Vacation, na, I'm just fine!
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