I don't race it. No tracks locally. Fraid I might break it. It is my APV.
198,000 miles. 1 ARX treatment. Use Rotella T syn 5/40 change once a year. Runs really great. Boosts 9lbs. for a couple of seconds, then drops back to 7lbs. One of thee days, I'm going to add a boost controller, intercooler and water/alky injection.
Should be good for 250HP at 16lbs. boost.
According to the website, the best bang for the buck on these babies is a 3" exhaust system and an intercooler from a diesel truck like a PSD or a Duramax etc.
Most of these guys seem to be getting intercoolers from the junk-yard and making them work.
It sounds like a great project......I'd like a camperized one that runs in the 11's!
wow, thats a friend and neighbor Paul in that video. the shelby-dodge scene is still alive and well around here. his van is not exactly a everyday driver but very impressive non the less. that vid is quite old and his van has changed some. his direct site is here. www.turbovan.net/van.html
I'd love to build one of those babies. My wife has imposed a "stop buying order" on me. I'm not allowed to buy any more cars (project or otherwise) until I get rid of at least one vehicle. Lucky for me my last project is complete ('69 Bronco) and I've kind of lost interest....spring is a good time to sell!