HELP!! Which oil is better???

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Apr 25, 2003
I live in Southern Calif and my Z28 is new..............I am constantly hearing the battle of 5w30 vs 10w30.....which is better?

What are pros and cons of each?

I can probably easily use either, but which is better for performance and which is better for protection,etc.

Thanks for the advice in advance!
In So Cal I would run 10W-30 without question. Even in Fresno (as you know, we do have cool to cold winters) I'd run no less. Most 10W-30s are more robust, and use less viscosity index modifiers. Less to shear. A good, high quality syn. oil or semi syn oil is what I use here on the other side of Tehon Pass. I use Amsoil 10W-30 and Schaeffer's semi syn 10W-30 with success. Good Luck.

You are not going to notice any difference. Use what is says to use on the oil filler cap and forget about it. The type of oil and filters you use are more important. I would use synthetic oil if you plan on keeping the car for a long time. If on the other hand you are going to trade it of after a few years, use the cheapest oil you can find, quick lubes etc and let the next owner worry about it.

btw-I have a 2002 Firebird TA WS6 6sp. I am using Amsoil 10W-30 synthetic.

[ April 26, 2003, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: Mike ]
A vote for Darren's suggestion.

Generally, the 10w-30 will retain it's viscosity longer than the 5W-30, costs the same, your engine runs the same, if there's any fuel consumption penaly it's probably too small to notice, and no other reason not to use it.

Synthetics generally only pay off if you drive in frigid winter conditions or go to extended drain intervals along with oil analysis.


Synthetics generally only pay off if you drive in frigid winter conditions or go to extended drain intervals along with oil analysis.

Ken, what about high performance situations like trucks towing or sports cars with high HP? I think synthetics are great for these reasons too. Also to keep engine clean.
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