Havoline & Chevron

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The specs on the 2 oils are identical. Just be sure the Havoline is not the Equilon variety.
The only difference between Havoline and Chevron is the 5w-30. The Havoline ccs is 5300 at -30. The Chevron is 6300 at -30. I called Chevron about this. I thought it might be a typo. He (Chevron) said "it looks like the Havoline 5w-30 is a better cold weather oil than the Chevron"
Since only one digit is at variance, and since it's the next digit on the keypad, I still wouldn't discount the possibility that the discrepency is a typo.
I think it is a typo also. I think the Havoline should read 6300 ccs at -30.
We have them here in MN. 5w-30 has a pour point of -60f. It is only $3.99/qrt. It is probably a group 3, but still with stats like that, who cares what group it is.
Is there something bad about the HAVOLINE SYNTHETIC from EQUILON? I'm using the 5W-40 in my Ford Van and don't plan to push the miles with it. Is Moly an issue in the oil? Thanks.
Ron, likely good oil. Folks here are still arguing on whether or not it's right and proper to call a lube made from Group III base stock a synthetic, and don't look into them very deeply. (Don't ask me, I just go along to get along.)

Equillon is no more, so your next Havoline will be a ChevronTexaco product and a somewhat different product.


[ January 27, 2003, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: Ken2 ]
Now I am wondering what the new Havoline syntheic is like. I was in Auto Zone today, and they have it there, it had Chevron Texaco, on the bottle. And at only $3.29 a Qt. it seemed pretty cheap. Does anyone know yet if it is a good one or not?
I wish we knew for sure if the new Havoline is actually identical in every way to the Chevron Supreme. Chevron sounds like great oil, but Havoline is a little more available in my area.

Has anyone done an analysis on ChevronTexaco Havoline dino?
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