Has anyone used Synlube oil in their car?

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Aug 20, 2003
Washington, DC
I went to their web page and red about how their oil doesn't need to be changed up to 300000 miles, instead you just add oil as necessary and change oil filter every 100000 miles?
Sounds pretty wild to me...Has anyone on this board used this oil and if so does it last that long?

Originally posted by zoomzoom:
I went to their web page and red about how their oil doesn't need to be changed up to 300000 miles, instead you just add oil as necessary and change oil filter every 100000 miles?
Sounds pretty wild to me...Has anyone on this board used this oil and if so does it last that long?

That oil needs to be changed at *UPTP* 150,000 miles (of course it will vary) and filter changes every 50,000 supposedly with their microglass filter and the magnets installed on the filter to cling all the metals.

They have done millions of miles of on road testing and I think they have a pretty solid claim. The fact that they have cars with over 500,000 miles is pretty amazing, the only downside is of course, the price. The oil is special, IMO superior to any other oil. It contains 5 different synthetic base stocks, and the most robust additive package anywhere. I am willing to try it if i save up enough money it seems promising. I will though, get one of the super magnets for my differential and transmission those really do work!.

[ February 12, 2004, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: therion ]
I have ordered all their products for my car.

Engine Oil
Brake Fluid
Microglass Filters

I have not installed any of them yet as I haven't finished my last Auto-Rx rinse.After the rinse I am going to put in the Mobil 1 R oil to reduce the amount of dino oil left when I switch to Synlube.I have the new Mobil 1 right now as I ordered it the day it came out on the AV Lube site.There is no API certification of any kind on it!Should be a lot better than the Mobil 1 I have tried before in terms of engine noise.

I believe SynLube to be a very honest and evironmentally concerned company compared to any other major oil company out there.It cost me about $920.00 for all of the above,and that's a lot up front.But you will spend much more than that if you use regular or synthetic fluids in the same time/mileage period.
MYTCAR.......If you were to buy a vampyre pump, and sample your oil every 20k or so, and do a UOA......it would greatly benefit the site, as there are many skeptics here (myself included), who don't believe in synlube's claims.
I wonder if they have done any long run test and did UOA to back up their claim...Sure it can last 150K but what I'm wondering is in what codition will my engine be after that many miles with same oil inside...The way it is now my mobil1 oil change cost me about $30 per change and I do it every 9-10K so arround $480 in 150K...

Synlube on the other hand would be $150 for initial fill, plus 20 for filter and then let's say I add a quart every 10K so 14X20=$280, change oil filter every 20K so $120 for filters . So we
are looking at $570 total!?

Originally posted by zoomzoom:
I wonder if they have done any long run test and did UOA to back up their claim...Sure it can last 150K but what I'm wondering is in what codition will my engine be after that many miles with same oil inside...The way it is now my mobil1 oil change cost me about $30 per change and I do it every 9-10K so arround $480 in 150K...

Synlube on the other hand would be $150 for initial fill, plus 20 for filter and then let's say I add a quart every 10K so 14X20=$280, change oil filter every 20K so $120 for filters . So we
are looking at $570 total!?

There has been many testimonies with cars with over 400,000 miles on them. I think the magnet around the filter will effectively keep the wear metals under control under such extreme drain intervals.

Originally posted by Mr TCar:
I have ordered all their products for my car.

Engine Oil
Brake Fluid
Microglass Filters

I have not installed any of them yet as I haven't finished my last Auto-Rx rinse.After the rinse I am going to put in the Mobil 1 R oil to reduce the amount of dino oil left when I switch to Synlube.I have the new Mobil 1 right now as I ordered it the day it came out on the AV Lube site.There is no API certification of any kind on it!Should be a lot better than the Mobil 1 I have tried before in terms of engine noise.

I believe SynLube to be a very honest and evironmentally concerned company compared to any other major oil company out there.It cost me about $920.00 for all of the above,and that's a lot up front.But you will spend much more than that if you use regular or synthetic fluids in the same time/mileage period.

Congratulations on your purchase. I recieved my Motor Guard bypass filter and I will install it ASAP. I wonder how long i can go with a bypass + synlube - we'll find out soon enough.

Anyway i would cycle some valvoline synthetic blend PSF through there so you dont waste the SynLube PSF its pricey. It's only like 2,99 /Quart.
PLEASE post some UOA's if possible. I know that the oil is pricey but a VOA would be pretty neat too. It would be very interesting to watch this oil through out the life of the engine, say 150K, and see how it holds up. I don't remember what the site says but it's something like "our oil still gets dirty but it handles the dirt better" or something like that.

Way cool! Please keep us informed on the out come with the Synlube.

Originally posted by bypassfilter:
theroin ,
Why don't you e-mail synlube and ask them about your bypass filter.Please post their response.

I have tried to call them several times already with no luck, its hard to get ahold of the guy..
I believe that they mandate UOA from their lab periodically and that they have a additive beefer upper you have to add every once in a while as well based upon their lab analysis. I don't beleive it is as simple as just pouring it in and forgetting about it. You have to buy into their program so to speak to go the distance and if a new car to get their warranty you have to walk the line with their requirements of lab testing, top offs etc.

Of course, I believe only THEIR lab can adequately interpret the analysis of their oil!
It would be great to see an open minded test of this stuff. I would not use it, but it does not hurt to sit back and look at things sometimes.

Originally posted by zoomzoom:
I wonder if they have done any long run test and did UOA to back up their claim...Sure it can last 150K but what I'm wondering is in what codition will my engine be after that many miles with same oil inside...The way it is now my mobil1 oil change cost me about $30 per change and I do it every 9-10K so arround $480 in 150K...

Synlube on the other hand would be $150 for initial fill, plus 20 for filter and then let's say I add a quart every 10K so 14X20=$280, change oil filter every 20K so $120 for filters . So we
are looking at $570 total!?

Well, I am glad you can do that with your car on relatively cheap oil such as Mobil 1.Some cars recquire oil changes every 3,000 miles no matter what oil is used(according to my manual).Now for the European cars they have made it much better with the reguired usage of synthetic(european synthetic is beyond anything american) and the extended OCI which is possible through MUCH better engine and oil technology/engineering.American Mobil 1 is not nearly as good as its foreign models.

How many of the Porsche,Mercedes,BMW,and other foreign cars really get any kind of synthetic oil over here in the states? I know most owners,dealers, and mechanics don't give a hoot about what oil to use as long as its cheap.Synthetic Oil? That's some kind of evil scam!!

Do you really think the oil companies want extended drains in America? NO WAY! Big companies like Mobil and Chevron give their conventional oil away.Drive Clean and Supreme are a dollar a quart in WalMart.With bottles,labels, and shipping they can not make any money on their oil.That dollar a quart oil is really like 25 cents worth of oil and the rest is packing and shipping.Those companies sell gasoline and synthetic oil for a profit.They want us to use as much oil as possible as they are overun with the stuff!They sell a thousand times(no kidding) more gas than oil and the oil has to go somewhere.

If all the cars used SynLube it would be an economic disaster!!

If Americans just remember to change their oil every 3,000 miles everything will be just fine.

We make EVERYTHING with petroleum by-products.Look at Chevron's website,they list what their by-products go into(about everything in your local grocery store).Medicines,plastic,prescription drugs,household cleaners and chemicals,industrial chemicals and solvents,clothing,and all the makeup for women has by-products in it.The whole retail world relies on the oil companies.
zoomzoom, I have proprietary data for Synlube motor oils,provided by synlube that can be used for comparison and correlation for you when you begin using it.

I am not allowed to share that publicly but it enables me to get a good baseline for your UOA's interpretations.

If you guys think Redline is hard to "read" you ought to see this stuff in a UOA, like RL on steroids !

The PTFE and Graphite are adds that I question in the formulations.

I do like the POE bases used.
Terry I was wondering about same thing isn't PTFE used in slick 50 and other useless oil additives?

That put aside is there a merit to their claims?

Can their basestocks be so good that they can stay in you engine for 10 years?
I don't know about 10 years but the oils seem to hold up OK. THe UOA's are difficult to read properly.

PTFE, Yes same stuff but milled smaller. I wish they would loose that. Used to dampen sound more than any inherent lube properties. There is some new PTFE style technology that is coming that is not a solid and I wonder if they will use that.

Been a couple of years since I spoke with the owner. I asked to come and meet with Miro and he would not allow me to their mixing site.

I like the idea of a no change oil, just topping up with booster oil and filter changes.

Originally posted by Terry:

I like the idea of a no change oil, just topping up with booster oil and filter changes.

Have you gone insane!!???
What would we do??
I HAVE to get under my car regularly. There is no other place I rather be.........besides sitting on the toilet!
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