Gerogia Town passes law requiring gun ownership.

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May 25, 2005
On the flipside to the whole gun restrictions etc I see this as a win. Barbra Walters did a spedcial on violent criminals about 5 years ago and all were either life or mostly life in prison. EVERY simgle criminal said that they would not rob a house if they knew the owner was armed or the house had NRA stickers etc. All of them said houses without guns are easy pickings. One member in particular said he broke into a house heard the rack of a shotgun and fled, didn't even look back. Georgia Gun Requirement
Good for them. When I saw Ms. Walters' show with the criminals, it was amazing how steadfast they were against robbing a home where they knew there was at gun. (or suspected there was one)
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Most thieves aren't interested in encountering anyone, let alone someone armed.

With that said, if someone doesn't want to own a firearm, no one should force them to. Owning a firearm is a responsibility, some people probably don't want that responsibility. The last thing we need is a house with an irresponsible person leaving their mandatory firearm out around kids, when they otherwise would have never owned one. I see this law has no penalty for "violating" it, but they may not all be that way.
Originally Posted By: VicVinegar
Most thieves aren't interested in encountering anyone, let alone someone armed.

When we were burgled, they knew that we were asleep in the house...a common M.O. is to creep around the place while people are asleep...they know that we don't have guns available for defence.

In many, many cases, they actively seek out people, to show them the jewelery, the stash, and lately, (since the firearms registry didn't get hacked, really, honest) firearms owners who they know will have their guns locked up, will not be able to defend themselves with them, and a few hits with an iron bar later, may open the safe for them.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: VicVinegar
Most thieves aren't interested in encountering anyone, let alone someone armed.

When we were burgled, they knew that we were asleep in the house...a common M.O. is to creep around the place while people are asleep...they know that we don't have guns available for defence.

In many, many cases, they actively seek out people, to show them the jewelery, the stash, and lately, (since the firearms registry didn't get hacked, really, honest) firearms owners who they know will have their guns locked up, will not be able to defend themselves with them, and a few hits with an iron bar later, may open the safe for them.

Sadly, that happens in USA, too:
I don't believe any civilian should be forced to buy or possess a gun if they do not want to.

And I don't think passing laws that nobody intends to enforce is much of a solution, either.

If they would just enforce some of the myriad laws they have already passed, we might not be having this heated debate that is becoming so divisive.
Originally Posted By: 97prizm

On the flipside to the whole gun restrictions etc I see this as a win. Barbra Walters did a spedcial on violent criminals about 5 years ago and all were either life or mostly life in prison. EVERY simgle criminal said that they would not rob a house if they knew the owner was armed or the house had NRA stickers etc. All of them said houses without guns are easy pickings. One member in particular said he broke into a house heard the rack of a shotgun and fled, didn't even look back. Georgia Gun Requirement

Not sure that I totally agree with this, it is nothing more than political warm/fuzzy.
However, it is a whole lot better than seeking out people with permits and printing their names and addresses in the paper.
Originally Posted By: salesrep
Written today. Is there a better example of why it is a good idea to arm oneself?

"One thing recent history has shown, countries with nuclear weapons don’t get attacked (Pakistan). Countries which give up their nuclear weapons do (Libya and Iraq)."
K T Mcfarland

Read more:

Wow that's dangerous and possibly irresponsible.

If we hold these truths to be self evident, and are looking out for the best interest of the people of the world, then theoretically we should allow them to have the weapons you mentioned - it will make them all safer as nations and thus as people. Stop out the old boogey man, its in the interest of the people of the world... After all, if theyre all equal, then they should have acces to the same rights and not have us interfere as to what weapons their nations can or cannot have, right?

Big old government (ours) is just keeping them down as much as they are keeping us down, right? LOL.
I guess my point is the age old argument. If someone or a nation is going to do harm, it is a lot more likely they will harm the defenseless/easiest.
Originally Posted By: Win
I don't believe any civilian should be forced to buy or possess a gun if they do not want to.

And I don't think passing laws that nobody intends to enforce is much of a solution, either.

If they would just enforce some of the myriad laws they have already passed, we might not be having this heated debate that is becoming so divisive.

+1. When they start talking about how to adequately control bad behavior and the thugs that perpetuate it instead of how to keep guns from law abiding citizens, them maybe we are starting to make some progress on the issue.
Also, start enforcing the myriad of laws that they have had on the books for years regarding these issues. Might be a place to start.
Originally Posted By: salesrep
I guess my point is the age old argument. If someone or a nation is going to do harm, it is a lot more likely they will harm the defenseless/easiest.

I hear you. Its still the whole do as I say, not as I do bit...
Enforcement of any law comes down to the officer's knowledge of such laws. Funny how they only enforce it when it's easiest to do so....

Bet your butt when the 'sleeper' laws start being enforced, (the laws on the books that make us all criminals) they will be none to happy to do so.
Originally Posted By: salesrep
Written today. Is there a better example of why it is a good idea to arm oneself?

"One thing recent history has shown, countries with nuclear weapons don’t get attacked (Pakistan). Countries which give up their nuclear weapons do (Libya and Iraq)." Both Pakistan and India had nuclear weapons when this started.
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