German Castrol 0w30 data!

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Staff member
May 27, 2002
Guelph, Ontario
The Germans sent me email! But there are two problems. One, I can't unzip the file they sent me here at home, and two, the SLX 0w30 is in German.

So if anyone can read German, or at least unzip it so we can figure out most of the numbers, let me know and I'll forward you the email. I'm very interested in seeing the specs on this, and when we figure it out I'll post them here.
Also, not to pre-empt the data presentation, but the German Castrol website for the 0-30 lists it as being HT/HS 3.0. How can this qualify for ACEA A3? It doesn't say this on the website for this grade, but that's what it says on the bottle at Wal-Mart. How is this possible?

Originally posted by Dr. T:
Also, not to pre-empt the data presentation, but the German Castrol website for the 0-30 lists it as being HT/HS 3.0. How can this qualify for ACEA A3? It doesn't say this on the website for this grade, but that's what it says on the bottle at Wal-Mart. How is this possible?

Keep in mind that they make 3 different SLX 0w30 oils. (These are all on the German Castrol site.) One is the "standard" SLX, one is made for VW/Audi 506, and one is made to Ford specs. The standard 0w30 as well as that made to meet VW/Audi 506 are both A3. The one made to meet Ford specs is A1. Castrol Germany SLX page.
G-ManII, thanx for the link! There's the TWS 10-60 I saw at the BMW dealership last's not the RS they're using for the M3/M5...wonder what the difference is...why do they have 2 or 3 different oils for the same grade?

Originally posted by Dr. T:
G-ManII, thanx for the link! There's the TWS 10-60 I saw at the BMW dealership last's not the RS they're using for the M3/M5...wonder what the difference is...why do they have 2 or 3 different oils for the same grade?

I've read elsewhere that either the Formula RS 10w60 or the TWS is approved by BMW for the M3. I believe the TWS "Motorsport" is probably the same oil bottled specifically for sale at dealers since the RS is branded as a "race" oil. Castrol 10w60 Formula RS

Originally posted by Patman:
The Germans sent me email! But there are two problems. One, I can't unzip the file they sent me here at home, and two, the SLX 0w30 is in German.

So if anyone can read German, or at least unzip it so we can figure out most of the numbers, let me know and I'll forward you the email. I'm very interested in seeing the specs on this, and when we figure it out I'll post them here.


E-mail me the file and I'll see if I can unzip it.
Probably not the German stuff.

Product/Material Name: Castrol Syntec SLX Motor Oil
Chemical Name: Mixture
Chemical Family/Classification: Synthetic hydrocarbon
10 -30 ND ND ND Multifunctional additive mixture composed of
organo -metallic compounds, typically
containing zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate,
calcium salts of alkylated phenol sulfides, and
molybdenum co mpounds and a proprietary
blend of organic chemicals CASRN NA,
60 -100 ND Oral, rat: > 5 g/kg . TWA: 5 mg/m3
Synthetic hydrocarbons may contain one or
more of the following: CASRN 68037 -01 -4,
Boiling Point: Above 300 âC Specific Gravity Water=1: 0.854
Vapor Pressure mm.Hg. @ 2 0 âC: Percent Volatiles: Negligible Evaporation Rate BuAc=1: < 0.1
Solubility in Water: Negligible Freezing Point: -66 âC
pH-Value: NA Viscosity @ 10 0 âC, mm2/sec .: 12 typ.
Odor Threshold: NA Coefficient of Water/Oil Distribution: ND
Appearance, Odor & Physical State: Clear, amber liquid; mild petroleum odor
Section 313 Toxic Release Inventory Chemical/Category:
Zinc compounds, 2. 0% wt. max.

Originally posted by Les:
Synthetic hydrocarbons may contain one or
more of the following: CASRN 68037 -01 -4,

These are both PAO CAS numbers. I'd say this is the German stuff.
Okay, here's the data:

Castrol SLX 0w30

Color: Green
Pour Point: -61*C
Flash Point: 238*C
Viscosity @ 40*C: 68.5
Viscosity @ 100*C: 12.1
Viscosity @ 150*C: 5.7
HTHS: 3.6
Cold Cranking Vis @ -30*C: 3200
TBN: 10.6
VI: 179

My comments: Just from these specs, I'd say this is a robust PAO/ester based oil. Look at that relatively low VI. That tells me that the viscosity spread is accomplished mostly (or maybe totally) with the PAO and esters, just as Mobil 1's 0w30 (VI of 176).

If I can find this oil in my area, I'm going to use it.
Patman, are you talking from the label...or the german castrol website because there are 3 different 0-30's (as pointed out by G-ManII).

Seems like the HT/HS is 3.6
Dr.T, the labels on these bottles I have state it's the 98 version of the A3 test.

However we can clearly see here from the technical specs that it has the HTHS number to qualify for the 2002 version!

This looks like a very impressive oil, I like the thicker viscosity, and the cold weather specs are very impressive.

We'll see how well that TBN holds up over a long interval. First interval in my sister's car will be 6-7k, but then after that I'll push it longer.

I wonder if it has moly in it, or if the Germans don't bother? All US made Castrol stuff has moly though, so hopefully this one will too.

I just did the conversion on the pour point, and -61 celsius is -78F!!! That's incredible!!

[ February 17, 2003, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Patman ]
I just got off the phone with a Castrol Distributor that has 12 cases in stock of the 0/40 Syntec,,does anyone have the specs on this oil?

Originally posted by Patman:
I just did the conversion on the pour point, and -61 celsius is -78F!!! That's incredible!!

I think this would qualify as an "arctic oil."

Originally posted by dragboat:
I just got off the phone with a Castrol Distributor that has 12 cases in stock of the 0/40 Syntec,,does anyone have the specs on this oil?

0w40 is the Formula RS in Germany. this a trend? Is Castrol going to start importing European synthetics and slapping the "Syntec" lable on them? Now that would be an improvement over the crap they've been selling.

Originally posted by LubeRube:
Patman, send it to me if you like. Ich kann die Daten uebersetzen.

Send me your email address in a private message (as one of the Administrators I could dig it up if I went into the control panel and did a search, but I'm being lazy here)

So guys, what do you think of this oil? Could it very well be the best OTC oil out there right now? It certainly could be used in many applications too, from the arctic cold to the extreme heat, based on the specs anyways. I'm dying to see the oil analysis on my sister's car.

I wonder if the BMW Long Life test rating on this oil means it's good for 30,000km? Depending on how my sister's first interval of 10 to 12,000km looks, I will probably run the second interval to 20,000km.

[ February 17, 2003, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: Patman ]
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