Fram Sure Drain, who has one?

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Staff member
May 27, 2002
Guelph, Ontario
These are finally available in Canada! Canadian Tire is selling it for $20 CDN ($13US), it's in this week's flyer. I was wondering who has one of these, and how easy are they to install and use? It looks like it'll make taking oil samples much easier, as you could close the valve up after you've taken your sample too.
How does the magnetic drain plug fit?
Patman, I actually bought one of these to use on my Chrysler, but after I opened the package and looked at exactly how it worked, I put it back in the package, took it back to the store and got my money back. The construction and workmanship looked to be top notch, but it was evident the very small hole would make evacuating the oil pan a long process. Plus, the screw on cap with its o-ring seal shows that they don't expect the internal seal to be 100% effective. All in all, I feel a lot safer with the standard oil plug.

Originally posted by tweeker43:
i bought one of these, but i just installed it on my last oil change and haven't used it yet.

very solid. (well, me toying with it anyway).

I know of at least one truck owner who's engine was destroyed by that. It was a '01 Chevy HD...the owner hit some debris off roading the valve opened right up. I really don't see what's so bad about the standard drain plug.
Uh, they do warn you to explicity check the valve if you hit any debris.

And with the way it's mounted on my car, you'd really have to catch something good to trip the valve, it's up and out of the way.

WRX Fumoto Install Pics

Originally posted by Dave:
Uh, they do warn you to explicity check the valve if you hit any debris.

I'd be out of the rig every 25ft.


And with the way it's mounted on my car, you'd really have to catch something good to trip the valve, it's up and out of the way.

True. For an on-road only vehicle they're okay. I wouldn't trust the plastic version with my engine though. Definitely invest in the Fumoto (or similar?).

Overall, I have to agree with XHVI on just using the standard plug. It's a 10-15 second operation. It evacuates oil faster and more effectively. The only reason I'd use a Fumoto is if my skid plates obstructed the drain flow requiring I run a hose down from the opening/valve.

The standard plug doesn't allow for quick sampling (if you want to take a small sample and then continue running the same batch of oil) though, plus the oil rushes out quickly and it makes taking samples more messy. Then you always drop the plug in the pan so you have to fish it out (or in my case with my Firebird, I bought a second drain plug so I alternate between two of them)

I guess I'll have to take a closer look at this device today and see if it's worth it or not. I like the concept though.

[ November 23, 2002, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: Patman ]
Patman, I know what you mean about dropping the plug. Hate it when that happens. I use a 6" extension and have a magnet in the socket. Lets me get it out of the oil stream without dropping and without dousing my ratchet. Usually.

Bypass setups sometimes have nice sample ports. I've seen a couple Amsoil dual bypass kits with little sample valves on top. Very slick. Expensive for a sample port though. You could probably make something just as convenient for $20 with a valve mounted on a sandwich filter adapter. Hmmm...

If you go with one of the plug replacements I do like the Fumoto. Very high quality.

We don't have the Fumitomo up here though, just this Fram one.

Now I'm having second thoughts. But I need to decide fast, because I'm changing my wife's oil this morning!

For those who have these, how much longer does it take to drain the oil?
I don't know that anyone actually carries Fumoto valves besides the online sources. I've seen a few group buy's happen for under $20 but that's it.


Something else... I haven't verified this but wouldn't the threads stick up from the bottom of the pan preventing a complete drain? Has anyone with either drained with the valve and then removed the plug to see how much remained?

The combination of slow drain (leaving more debris behind) and possibly leaving a 1/8-1/4" layer gives me pause.
It's possible that these setups don't allow all the oil to drain, but that can also be cured by pouring in a half quart of fresh oil before closing the valve. I plan on doing this with my wife's car this morning, just to get as much of the old Mobil 1 out, and that way my first interval with Royal Purple will have less of the old oil mixed in there.
Call me squeamish, but those valves give me the heebee jeebee's....A fellow Volvoite damaged his several years ago
...albeit on a dirt road, it didn't tear off, he wasn't out an engine and he didn't blame Fumoto. But still if your plug is protected they seem great(all mine are VERY exposed)

I will admit to owning some beakers to catch midstream samples....

No one samples out the dip stick tube?
All sheetmetal oil pans have a bung welded inside that the drain plug screws into that will not allow all oil to be drained anyway,,gives every reason to not try to run a oil into the ground on intervals because of the residual that will not drain completely and will vary from design,,where it is placed to how the motor is tilted.

The aluminum pans are a bit different yet much the same in that all oil will not be removed during drain. On some engines it helps speed drain up if the filler cap is loose but not all.If the drain is located at the rear of the pan,ramps help drain more oil.All this is nothing most of you do not already know

I bought the Fumoto for one car that will help me merely drain a quart in mid summer to add a higher VI oil and or to take a mid interval sample if I want.It is not installed as of yet and if it seems to stick too far into the pan,the threads will be shortened.That factory drain plug is 3/4 inch in diameter,I could have drilled and tapped it for a NPT pipe plug and got the same thing but it was easier to pick up the phone and order the valve
I've had a fumoto on my Powerstroke for 55K miles without any trouble.

The valve threads do not stick in the pan any further than the bung.

Works great and never leaks a drop. It does reduce the size of the drain hole substantially.

If you're looking to do mid run oil samples why not extract it from the dipstick tube with an oil extraction pump. This would be a more representative sample than draining off the bottom of the sump.
Because I will use a clean catch tub " throwaway " and drain for a few seconds before getting the sample and pour the rest back in the motor and something to draw a sample through the dipstick is just something else for me to keep track of and to keep clean and uncontaminated
It dawns on me many vehicles should allow addition of a sample port for ~$5. Install a T & valve at the oil pressure sender. Mine should all be NPT fittings anyway.

There goes my Saturday morning.

Ssmokin, I used a homemade sample gun a couple times. Didn't like it. The suction (powered) was fine, but I wasn't confident I was staying off the pan and the dipstick tubes were too narrow for anything but thin-wall vinyl tubing. That allowed it to collapse once hot oil moved through. End result was a mess & deciding it didn't work well on at least two of our vehicles. Would probably work better with different tubing or a less restrictive dipstick tube. Maybe you guys could pass on some useful tips?
fumoto says that this valve doesn't stick up into the pan. i compared (visually) the thread length with my plug, and they were pretty much the same. the oil pan is pretty heavy gauge material.

i installed mine on a 2002 subaru 2.5 rs, and like the wrx, it is high and angled.

i was getting tired of getting oil all over the floor, etc... and was thinking about doing some oil analysis.

the way the valve is in my car, if i hit something it might break the tang off, but it would be in the "close" direction. since it takes two distinct motions to open the valve, i'm not to worried.
The decision was made for me, as when I got to Canadian Tire this morning they had none in stock. I didn't feel like travelling all over the place to other locations (there are like 10 of them within a 20 mile radius of my house) so I'm sticking with the normal plug for now.

I am gonna let the oil drain good and long in the Honda, I pulled the plug at 11:30 and at noon hour I poured a half quart of fresh Royal Purple 5w30 in there. I will let it drain at least another two hours, not just to get as much old oil out of there, but also to keep my wife happy, since she's getting ready to put our son down for his nap, and she doesn't want me going in and out of the house for the next little while (our alarm system beeps a couple of times every time I open and close the door)

So I drew a sample to send off to Terry next week, it is SJ formula 5w30 Mobil 1 TriSynthetic, which has been in my wife's car for exactly 5000 miles and since April. Then I'm running Royal Purple 5w30 for 5000 miles and will compare the results.
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