I have been away for a while, but as I recall the issue with Fram is the construction. Their filtering medium is actually pretty efficient. The internals have been known to collapse and cut off oil flow. A Fram that lasts does a decent job. Maybe the failure rate is 1 in 100,000 or 1 in 250,000. I remember a link a while ago to a Land Rover site where the filter did collapse and toasted the engine. The point is that for the same or less money you can get a Wix, Purolator, STP or ST and have just about a zero failure rate. Or spend $10 and get the Fram Extra Guard that does have the metal end caps. For me, it's a no brainer. I use Purolator for short dino changes and Pure 1 for semi syn (which I don't use much of). For synthetic 10K changes, I use M1 or K&N Champion made filters. Even on my Cummins, they work great with Synthetic.