Found a rock in the side yard

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Yeah, when I lived in Columbus, Ohio, I hit one of those when I was spading my garden. Later on, when I was planting a walnut tree, I bought a green crow bar like that to chip a hole in the limestone.
If you look at yor rock, you can probably see some scratches in it, which are glacial striations.

These are caused by the wieght of the ice putting pressure on the sediment load beneath and as the glacier moves, these scratches are formed. They're usually somewhat parallel, and indicate the direction the glacier was moving. Of course, the rock was probably moved since then, but it's fun to look and imagine.
If you bury a pet rock, how to you mark the gravesite without bringing back painful memories?
Sorry for the slow response. I just got out of jail for shooting the bald fat guy (with sexy pants) for trying to steal my rock.

I've been in this house for a year. My flaky grass looked funkier than usual on this spot. So I probed down less than 2" and ROCK!

The second (and first) photo is a bit deceptive. The wood block is a hunk of 6x6. I could not budge it with the digging bar.

My question for you: Should I dig it out or not?

Originally posted by Pablo:
My question for you: Should I dig it out or not?

Makes no sense to dig it out, but I probably would try anyway, just for the curiosity factor (how big is it)
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