All Comapanies try to hide the truth. Either the media gets a hold of insider information or the goverenment forces their hand!!! I can think of almost 100 different things that should have been recalls at GM but never were. In 99% of cases the dealers were told to play stupid and try to pass as much cost as possable on to the owner. I saw it happen daily for almost 5 years while I worked for the "General"! Most people are not allowed to see data showing patern failures across the divission. You also have to know what type of questions to be asking.
As a matter of fact if ever you have seen the items that Motormite has in it's "Help Section" in most large parts stores you get an idea of what I am talking about.
I am currently working on the parts side of the auto industry and I can tell you that if not for GM we would not make much money at all, I would say that 95% of our business is after market parts for GM's vechiles with Ford and Chrysler tied for second place and Volkswagen in a solid third place. I am sure if we had more Volkswagen parts available though they would be first!!! My point is that even if you rule out hushed up recalls GM has the worst track record going for surability of key items i.e. brake rotors,pads,starters,alternators,power steering pumps,master cylinders,ignition modules,crank sensor,slave cylinders, gaskets,water pumps!
FOr the record Toyota has never been cited for hushing up a saftey recall. Mitsubishi has been official cited for doing this!