Finally fixed ms word..

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May 23, 2004
A couple weeks ago i reformatted my pc, and reinstalled my copy of ms office for students and teachers. After installing and updating, when i used ms word the program would hang when opening, saving, or trying to print a file. This had never happend before, so i just decided to uninstall and reinstall. The problem was still there after.

So i went onto expertsexchange to try and find the answer, and the people there said a lot of hanging issues came after a security update, which created a conflict with hp hardware . I have no hp hardware or peripherals, but i decided to try the fix anyways, it didnt work. At this point after all the searching i had done, i gave up. It's a bit nervewracking for word to freeze for a minute every time you try to save a document, not knowing if itll save or not.

Anyways, the point i'm getting at is that i finally found the fix. Link

The reason i'm posting this is because i hear its a very common issue for ms word to hang on people when it never ever has in the past.
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