Fees to dispose of yard waste?

I have so much yard waste I have two burn piles. Usually a once a week burn just from the sticks and branches in a week. Not to mention all the dead ash trees.
A good alternative is composting. My old house had poor soil. I'd even grab leaves from my neighbors to compost. It certainly helped with my garden.

I understand by law every homeowner in Mississauga needs to have a compost pile.
I have several stick piles around too. Some are 5 foot high, all small sticks. The animals love them. Now I'm using one in an erosion area as the little sticks work great trapping the soil.
I should add, many of my neighbors have fire pits they can use to dispose of leaves, but we also live in a semi-wooded area and random tree branches/weeds/etc are a larger reason for the fire pits, besides enjoying a fire every now and again, but you have to be careful about not having many nearby leaves or much wind this time of year, can't leave it unattended, too easy to have a fire spread otherwise.
Inner city site is free yard waste.
Suburb cite is pay per bag.
Local trash company will also rent you a separate container for lawn and yard waste.
We pay, unless there is an event, then a short window.
I predict 'brown spaces' required for single family residences within 15 years - as 'green waste' is such a high percentage by volume.
Curb pickup, one sticker per bag. Last time I checked, a sticker was slightly under $3.

Right now we have free leaf pickup. Leaves have to be bagged, but no stickers needed unless you mix grass or some other yard waste in with the leaves; then they consider it yard waste and require a sticker.
We have a brown space in our wooded neighborhood for leaves, grass, brush, and logs. The problem is people have been dumping cement and other noncompostables. It cost us a lot to clean the area.

Personally, half my property is raw woods where all my compostables (kitchen waste and brush) go.
Free for city folk. They can bring it to a location themselves, otherwise in the spring and fall are a couple pickups for all yard waste put on the curb. Everyone else, $30 per ton at the landfill. I assume most non-city and non-commercial people just burn it or dump it somewhere on their own property.
Around here, they say no yard waste in the trash whatsoever... even though it’s probably the best thing one could put in there as it’ll actually decompose and not take up landfill space unlike an egg carton or other non-recyclable.
Around here, they say no yard waste in the trash whatsoever... even though it’s probably the best thing one could put in there as it’ll actually decompose and not take up landfill space unlike an egg carton or other non-recyclable.
Its all big business now I guess. My dump recently prohibited dump picking. I used to occasionally grab a mower or something such that looked decent. The purest form of recycling if you ask me.
Its all big business now I guess. My dump recently prohibited dump picking. I used to occasionally grab a mower or something such that looked decent. The purest form of recycling if you ask me.
Sanford and Sons makes the rounds early on garbage day around here! Putting stuff out at the curb for the free is the way to go, no nosy neighbors and all.
Unfortunately there is no leaf pickup where they live. One time they tried to disguise the leaves by putting them in a garbage bag and putting it with the rest of the garbage for pickup but the garbage man realized it was leaves, tore open the bag, and threw it back into their driveway lol. I don’t know why he would have gotten so upset.

In my former home, a tip to the fellows on the truck at Christmas time would ensure that just about anything (within reason) was tossed in the truck with a smile. No tip meant that they followed the rules to a t. Maybe not break open the bag, but for sure they would not have taken it.