Ever Heard of Oil Extreme??

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Jun 11, 2002
Clarksville, Tennessee
TBN of 320

Oil Extreme™ "Better Than Synthetic" Motor Oil is specially formulated using the new Group II, very highly refined, hydrocracked and catalytic dewaxed petroleum base oil. This "white water" as it is called is so pure that it is crystal clear. It is processed in special plants built by several major oil companies, under high temperatures and pressures to remove all the sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen compounds that normal solvent extraction processes can't remove.
By eliminating these harmful compounds in the base oil it is possible to formulate engine oils with oxidation stability equal to or greater than products based on 100% synthetic oils. They have excellent thermal degradation properties, and perform especially well in high-temperature applications like racing

[ December 29, 2002, 06:59 AM: Message edited by: dragboat ]
Have been testing it for 5 months. Can't say much else at this point. The basic premise works as advertized. Overbased Calcium carbonate, thus TBN 320 in concentrate. Expensive per unit cost.
My father makes group II oil at Excel Paralubes in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Yes, it is clear. It looks like mineral oil.

It is close to the purity and stability of Group IV, but not quite. Group III is even closer, but still, not quite.

The base is not as good or better than synthetic, so it would have to be the additives that do the trick. In this case, they claim the calcium carbonate to be this special additive. Calcium acts as a TBN enhancer and having this in concentrated form may indeed lead to a TBN of 320, but what is the point of that? They say this raises the TBN of your oil to 18, but TBN depletion is only one of the things that make an oil need to be changed.

They ar claiming that they have made the Calcium act as an extreme pressure additive. Is this possible?
I am testing this product at this time. I have 2,000 miles left on a 6,000 mile run. I will be sending samples to Terry Dyson for testing.

Terry: You will have my permission to post the test results on this site and any comments you wish to make.

I will say this. I have been in the oil business for over 20 years and I have probably tested everything that has come along. There are several things I have noticed since putting this oil in my car. 1) It runs quiter and smoother, 2) it has more pep (if that's what you want to call it) and 3) my gas mileage has gone from 27.6 to 29.7 miles per gallon.
Fellow oil sniffers, I can't post the #'s but the absolute lowest wear rates I have ever seen on a 2001 Toyota 3.0L engine(in a AVALON) with Exxon Superflo(SL) 10w-30 and 7.5 oz.s of oil extreme calcium carbonate additive. Went 5600 miles on the test. Only problem area was the oil was used up at the end of the test sheared to 20w like most of shelf dinos. And was showng some instability in the sludge precursor area. Sorry thats as specific as I can get on this for now. This engine still had moly left in it from Schaeffers being used so thatcould have affected the results also.

Not promoting any of these brands but sharing how with newer formulations and new adds things are changing.
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