E-15 gas

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Oct 22, 2009
In Minnesota we are going to E-15 gas this year and next year they will be going to E-20.

How will that effect our small engines?

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I am fairly certain this is a Minnesota thing. Its disappointing to be subject to another greenhouse gas experiment. I think they already postponed the diesel fuel experiment they made law. I am not privy to much about either issue.
I was seriously hoping ths whole ethanol thing was really gonna go away. Iam hoping with the next round of elections that they shoot this stuff down. Its not good for anything, small engines or big engines. Iam a two stroke nut, if I can own it in two stroke, I do and it really isnt good for them.
Terrible for most if not all small engines. No help for automotive use either.

The only way to get pure gas here is to buy premium, and I'm not sure if that applies to all brands either.

I've heard from some folks in other areas that they're not even that lucky.

If it's optional, fine, if its all you can get, no way. I dont want E10, nevermind E15.
Makes me wonder why Americans are accepting all of this Garbage?
I don't want to be political, but show up at town meetings etc. and let the candidates know how you feel. Know where they stand and vote accordingly. We have voted the nanny state in. We can vote it out.

The automotive press has done a poor job letting enthusests know where candidates stand.
It make me wonder how they can pass laws on these sorts of experiments on a state wide level Giving the public no choices in the matter. The data is very one sided. Although there is 1/10th of a gallon reduction in gasoline pollutants, that 1/10th alcohol emits Formaldehyde, Peroxycetyl Nitrate, Acetaldehyde, Its said to be non-synergistic. I don't have a clue what any of that means.
Originally Posted By: lexus114
Makes me wonder why Americans are accepting all of this Garbage?

They're not "accepting" it so much as not caring enough to protest against what is being done. Labman is right that people need to get more involved in contacting those who have so much power and let their desires be known.

Just last month, our elected overseers wanted to move Iowa in the direction of MN (100% enforced E10 use). Enough people ended up contacting their reps in opposition (myself included) that this movement is legislatively dead for the year.

Don't wait until the onerous rules and regulations are already in place, as it's very difficult to get rid of them once they're already there.
Originally Posted By: lexus114
Makes me wonder why Americans are accepting all of this Garbage?

Most americans have absolutely no clue that it sucks. In my experience, the vast majority of americans are completely ignorant, especially when it comes to mechanical devices. They don't like the thought of "getting dirty" and have the "let someone else worry about it" mentality.
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Any objections are directed at "deaf ears". Across the board the goal in the far left green community seems to be the elimination of gasoline powered vehicles. Its a problem when a clown (Stuart Smally) is voted into the US senate.
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I've found that elected representatives ears get less deaf and more attentive as you move from federal to state to local. If enough people squawk about a particular issue at the state and local level it (sometimes) gets noticed.

Since this discussion is getting dangerously political, I'm bailing.
Originally Posted By: rudolphna
Originally Posted By: lexus114
Makes me wonder why Americans are accepting all of this Garbage?

Most americans have absolutely no clue that it sucks. In my experience, the vast majority of americans are completely ignorant, especially when it comes to mechanical devices. They don't like the thought of "getting dirty" and have the "let someone else worry about it" mentality.
I agree 100% with that, alot of people are under the assumption that we could be 100% petroleum free and dont need oil at all. Alot of people that tell me this have no idea, oil is needed for plastic, asphalt and tires. All they think are cars use oil and gas.
This is interesting.
We actually run e85 in our "small" engines (6-15hp) and tractor (45 hp) during the summer, as they seem to run very rich (buying e85 is easier than adjusting the carbs), and the tractor fouls plugs less on e85.

I will admit that high alcohol content gas makes starting pull start engines a horrible pain.
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They will consume more fuel & oil becomes contaminated. Ethanol corrodides aluminum & other metal & plastic, rubber. It will find its way to the scrap yard sooner.
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