I think a 10-30 is a bit too thin, to go to the track.
I just did 7 successive quarter mile runs, preceded by tiresmoking brakestands (top warm up tires) in my Q45.
I was running a 5w-40 Valvoline SynPower.
The good news in running the MaxLife is that its a bit higher in viscosity than exactly average for a 30 weight.
Think of it as a 33 weight or so(it shares this charcteristic, with all "hi mile formulations").
Still a 40 weight is nicer.
And while I am still mad
at them for subsituting most of their group IV with a group III in their SynPower, I have observed it's detergent package doing a better job than M1 (it was trisyn then).
Valvoline consistenly does a good job with it's detergent packages which is why I like it for engines which I haven't maintained myself since new.
[ November 30, 2002, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: palmerwmd ]