Do You Know Your States Nicknames ?

  • Bear State
  • Land of Opportunity
  • Natural State
  • Wonder State
Arkansastan: Never heard the 'Bear state" used, "Land of Opportunity" used to be on the license plates, and "wonder state" just meant "I wonder why I am here".
The Sunshine State(s)
South Dakota? Granted i've never been, but I don't immediately think "Sunshine" with S.Dakota...
I know the one for the city I was born in, and how we got it. we are quackers...

Back in the old days, every Easter they lowered a basket with a white dove in it from the church tower. One of those traditions... But one year they didn't have a white dove so they used a white duck. Guess what the duck did as it was getting lowered....
They forgot the real nickname for California: The Land of Fruits and Nuts.
We also have some nice desert scenery ...

Cactus and Sagebrush.jpg
Virginia: Old Dominion state I knew that one.
Mother of Presidents? I guess because it has the most presidents from it.

I wish we had better names lol. At least they didn’t have it as the state for lovers or something like that lol. I can’t stand the saying “Virginia is for Lovers” that drives me insane.