Different appearance of sub-forum titles

Apr 25, 2017
A few sub-forum titles appear differently than most, that is, most are in a bold font while a few are not bold font (Industrial Off Topic and Coolant Analysis). Anyone else see this ? Why is it like this ? It shouldn't be related to read or unread as the non-bold sub-forums are ones I've probably never read anything in as well as some of the bold ones are sub-forums I haven't read anything in either.

Ahhh, okay, and it has nothing to do with a user marking the forum "read" then.

So in how many months with the new software, those sub-forums haven't had a single new post... :oops: And looking in them now, that isn't correct either as there are new posts/comments. Oh well, not a big deal actually. I thought it was a remnant of marking forums/sub-forums as hidden but a) that function doesn't work (beyond your session) and b) doesn't allow marking sub-forums, just higher-level forum groups in their entirety.
I see the same thing. If you mark all forums as "read", then they will show as "non-bold". They will then show as "bold" when any new thread or post is done in that forum. If you read the new thread or posts in a thread, then it will toggle to "non-bold" again. The only way to make it non-bold is to manually mark it as "read" (even though you didn't actually read it all), or read all the new threads & posts.

The "Industrial Off Topic" and "Coolant Analysis" Forums show up as non-bold because there were no new posts for months in those forums since I marked those Forums as "read".
