Every weekend I listen to old-time radio programs late Saturday nights for at least(with *rare* exceptions) 3 hrs. I use the same radio for at least another 3-4 hrs during the week, sometimes 10-12 hrs. The radio in question is a little pocket-size AM/FM analog-tuned Sony ICF-S10MKII that runs on two AA batteries. Sony claims battery life of 40-45 hrs, based on whether used for AM or FM.
The batteries in it currently are a pair of el-cheapo Chinese-made "Craftsman" AA alkalines bought on sale at Sears several years ago- they were the last pair left out of a stick of 24 or 25. The rest of the "stick" never showed any signs of extra long life in anything, & indeed a few died pretty young- but mostly just decent AA alkaline battery performance.
But the batteries playing right now
- gotta have well over 100 hours on 'em, maybe over 200 hours. My benchmark: brought the new doggie home the last day of November '05, & not only were these batteries in use then- I was beginning to wonder if they needed to be replaced!
Just 2 weeks ago, in an effor to finish 'em off, I left it playing continuously for over 9 hrs on Sat night- 3 hrs old time radio programs, then 3 hrs big band stuff, then programs repeated. 7 pm till after 4 am. And: it just keeps on playing.
Been playing for over 5 hrs continuously as I type this, still going strong. Checked unloaded voltage 1 or 2 weeks ago, measured a low ~1.13x volts on each battery.
Now I've heard that the innards of these little analog Sonys operate well at low voltages, making them particularly well suited for rechargeable batteries. But they're still going, & frankly it's starting to get a little creepy!
I may have a set of batteries posessed by an evil spirit or something!
EDIT: just did some calculations. By *extremely* conservative figures of 6 hrs/wk, 4 wks/mo, & figuring 8 mo, that =: 6*4*8=192 hrs.
BTW: if you need a small back-up radio for power outages, emergencies, etc, or just a good small radio you could do a lot worse- & they only cost $10-$13, with ridiculously good reception. The radio & a 4-pack of AAs would get you through several days- or maybe even *weeks*- of *heavy* usage. Internet- SonyStyle, Amazon are good sources. Brick & mortar- try Sears or Fry's Electronics.
So- who else has had a set of common batteries that refused to die?
[ July 09, 2006, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Stuart Hughes ]
The batteries in it currently are a pair of el-cheapo Chinese-made "Craftsman" AA alkalines bought on sale at Sears several years ago- they were the last pair left out of a stick of 24 or 25. The rest of the "stick" never showed any signs of extra long life in anything, & indeed a few died pretty young- but mostly just decent AA alkaline battery performance.
But the batteries playing right now
Just 2 weeks ago, in an effor to finish 'em off, I left it playing continuously for over 9 hrs on Sat night- 3 hrs old time radio programs, then 3 hrs big band stuff, then programs repeated. 7 pm till after 4 am. And: it just keeps on playing.
EDIT: just did some calculations. By *extremely* conservative figures of 6 hrs/wk, 4 wks/mo, & figuring 8 mo, that =: 6*4*8=192 hrs.
BTW: if you need a small back-up radio for power outages, emergencies, etc, or just a good small radio you could do a lot worse- & they only cost $10-$13, with ridiculously good reception. The radio & a 4-pack of AAs would get you through several days- or maybe even *weeks*- of *heavy* usage. Internet- SonyStyle, Amazon are good sources. Brick & mortar- try Sears or Fry's Electronics.
So- who else has had a set of common batteries that refused to die?
[ July 09, 2006, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Stuart Hughes ]