Delvic 1 same as M1 Truck and SUV?

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Feb 17, 2004
I'm posting this separately in case someone's interested in this and not the "Delvac 1 / Rotella T for Ferrari" question. The last half of that post shows that these two are probably the same oil in a different bottle.


Originally posted by glxpassat:
I called their tech line and they said that the T&SUV was Delvac-1.

Until this is proven with a VOA, I wouldn't believe it. Seems that tech support/service.... sucks with a lot of companies now.
I e-mailed the Mobil 1 tech support people with this question:

"I have heard rumors that Delvac 1 5W-40 is being rebottled as a Mobil 1 product. If this is true, could you please tell me what it is being rebottled as? Any help will be appreciated!"

And they responded with this:

"Mobil1 SUV and Truck motor oil is the new product that is relabled Delvac1 5W40 motor oil."

I also called and asked the same question; I got the same answer. Since I didn't mention SUV/Truck oil either time, and they gave the same answer both times, I'm pretty sure that it is the same stuff. I'm still won't %100 percent until I see a VOA though...

[ February 21, 2004, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: Palut ]
True, until somebody does a VOA to compare with a Delvac 1 VOA, we won't know for sure.

But the few specs that Mobil DOES publish do appear to support the argument that D1 and T&S are the same product: same flash and pour points, same viscosities, etc.

Both also have the dual CI-4/SL certification.

My theory:

As i have only seen Mobil Truck and SUV oil in walmart i theorize Walmart with their "aggressive" price-supply negotiation capabilities pretty much got what they wanted.

Surprise anyone how you cant find the Mobil 1 jugs elsewhere?

Otherwise I am excited may not have to spend 90$ for a case of Delvac to experiment with.

Originally posted by moribundman:
I'd really like to know how Mobil justifies selling D1 for more money...

Oh boy have you got THAT right.

Imagine how those of us with Cummins ISX motors and giant oil sumps feel about paying at least 50 cents a quart more?? More like $1 a quart more at Wally World prices.



Originally posted by Gary Allan:


I'd really like to know how Mobil justifies selling D1 for more money...

More limited distribution ...and those perrrty one gallon jugs???

Just last week I noticed this nifty M Delva1 jug as I was doing some simple net surfing. Have yet to see one in real life, as Wally-world stocks Delvac1 in the regular black jug we all know..
The stock rotates faily regularly. Hmmm I guess we're not worthy of this fancy jug...

It's called marketing or supply and demand. Their not going to lower the price on Delvac 1 and they cannot charge Delvac 1 prices for a SUV oil that mom is going to use in her SUV. Joe consumer will not pay that price for oil no matter how good it is. Remember, oil companies are not marketing to members of BITOG, but the other 400,000 + in the USA and Canada. Sad but true.
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