Dealership BS

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Nov 16, 2002
I went to the Honda dealer that I bought my car from. It's a very nice dealer. They had a rack of oil and they had Honda 0w-20 oil. I asked him if that is what the Accords are now using, he said no. He said the new Hybrids are. So now Honda is using a 0w-20. Mobil just can't win.

On to the bs. Told him a need a qt to top off my engine with. I told him I will be going to synthetic around 5-7k miles. He said make sure once you go to synthetic you stay with it and never go back. He said you have to flush the engine out if you do or it will EAT the engine up.
It's a shame that people have to BS you when they really just don't know. What a shame.

Originally posted by buster:
On to the bs. Told him a need a qt to top off my engine with. I told him I will be going to synthetic around 5-7k miles. He said make sure once you go to synthetic you stay with it and never go back. He said you have to flush the engine out if you do or it will EAT the engine up.
It's a shame that people have to BS you when they really just don't know. What a shame.

And think of the number of people that will believe lies like that.
Did you challenge him on that assertion? I would have. I would have asked him specifically what chemical reaction such a switch would have on the engine that it would EAT at the engine. Make him play "oil Chemistry 101" with you!
I'm suprised he didn't also tell you to stay away from Penzoil & Quaker State, because everybody knows what they will do to an engine


Originally posted by wavinwayne:
I'm suprised he didn't also tell you to stay away from Penzoil & Quaker State, because everybody knows what they will do to an engine

My top mechanic at work firmly believes this, and will even call sludgy, dirty engines "Pennzoil motors". Scary thing is most the time he's right...Lots of Pennzoil oil filters on crud-mosters in need of a rebuild.
I personally don't believe it, but he does seem to show a pattern that would lead someone to agree with him.
Heh now, dont ya know, pouring oil and draining oil from an engine makes an individual an 'oil expert', eminently qualified to speak to all oil-related matters, including selection of viscosity, appropriate drain intervals, filter replacement intervals, and the 'best' brand of motor oil to choose.

Too bad these 'oil experts' also have other names. Like "dad", "grandpa", "uncle", and "boss" as well.

Originally posted by GT Mike:
Scary thing is most the time he's right...Lots of Pennzoil oil filters on crud-mosters in need of a rebuild.

Doesn't Jiffy-Lube use Pennzoil oil filters?

I wonder if this is just a case of someone going to Jiffy-Lube for an oil change every 3 years or something.

Speaking of Jiffy-Lube, my brother went there for an oil change today (too lazy to do it himself--his words, not mine--) and gave them a filter to use. The total price was $45. That's for a regular non-synthetic oil change with a customer-supplied filter.

I imagine he'll be less lazy about doing it himself in the future!
I would have told the schmuck to look at what oil manufacturers say. Mobil clearly states on their website that you can switch back and forth all you want.
A quicky lube place in my area has just on label on several barrels of oil it uses.... 30WHD. It goes in everything. But it's okay, they have a special going, $29.95. The guy told me that the 'heavy duty' oil was the best, much better than 'standard' oil. Yiiiiikes............!!!
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