Crooked dealerships - Should I even bother getting my oil changed here?

Jan 14, 2017
So about 3 1/2 weeks ago I purchased a car from a local dealership. 3 days later I bring it back with complaints of shaking while braking.

They offer to waive the diagnostic fee but try and charge 1800 bucks for new calipers and rotors in the rear of the vehicle. I refuse and take to to a local shop. They just resurfaced all my rotors and fixed the issue for under $400.

Should I even bother going back to the this dealer for oil changes or use the same shop that fixed my brakes for oil changes from now on? I do have CPO warranty and limited powertrain warranty with this dealer.
I'd never return. They'll find a way to skin you no matter what the reason is you bring it in for. The ford dealer was like this. They tried to charge me for repairs on a brand new f150 when i brought it for the free oil change until I said "great all of those are covered under the b2b warranty" and instantly there was no longer anything to fix and that it was a mix up.
So they sold you a car, and a CPO for crying out loud, that needed work right off the bat? Then wanted to CHARGE YOU FOR IT. Also, why would they want to replace calipers for a vibration concern? Rotors, sure.

They are supposed to check all of this with the CPO inspection. You have a very strong case to get reimbursed for your out-of-pocket expense.

Well, they showed you their hand. Believe them and stay away.
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My general rule is to never choose to do business with people I believe to be dishonest.

While you are getting your "oil changes" you will have no confidence in their workmanship or materials used. And they will be spotting other things needing repair that are not covered by your CPO. Stay away.
The owner of our local Toyota dealership that I really liked and have bought three new cars from in the last four years recently passed away. One of their selling points was free state inspections for as long as you own the vehicle and I really liked that.

Now that the kids of the original owner are running things, they balk at the free inspections and when pressed they fail your car and in my case gave me a quote for $725 to replace the front brakes.

The front brakes are fine and I subsequently had the car inspected at a private shop near me and passed without issue. Free lifetime inspections indeed.:mad:
Are they free? Is it the most convenient option for your oil changes?

If they're not free, fackem
If they're free and the most convenient, take advantage of it, until it's not.
If they're free and not convenient, probably not going to be worth it, but that's your decision.

I used to take full advantage of free oil changes for life on a work car. First couple I just did on my way home from work. Then they implemented a pickup offering and work was just barely inside the range. I would drive to work, they'd pick it up and leave me a car, I'd pick up the car on the way home. They lost a decent amount of money on me in 100,000 miles. Hated the dealership, but it became very convenient.

You are not obligated to use the dealer for service, just keep good records.
You are not obligated to say yes to any other service if you do use the dealer.
My Jeep dealer offers free lifetime inspections and $8 oil changes for as long as I own my Jeep. Since 2008 they have done exactly ZERO inspections and ZERO oil changes. All it took was one visit for warranty work early on, and that bridge was burnt, not that I would have every used it anyway. Free perks is just a shot at the dealer selling expensive often unneeded work. No thanks.
Car dealers have a bad reputation (in general) for a reason. I agree with ‘The Oil Wizard’ that the CPO inspection should have found the issue with the brakes and fixed it….I’d seek reimbursement from them.

What was the year, make and mileage? I ask because rear brakes typically outlast fronts in my experience.
I got a nail in my tire a few weeks after getting my Mazda 3. Took it to dealership as they fix it for free. LUCKILY, the car was right outside the window to the waiting room. I sat there and watched him take off the WRONG tire. Ater a few minutes, I couldn't take it anymore, I tapped on glass and walked to door. The tech went to door and I told him...wrong tire. He grabbed the work sheet and apologized saying he "Miss-Read" it......

If the car had been in ANY other bay, I wouldn't have seen it.....

So, I just don't trust anyone with my cars, especially these days. Careless is an understatement and very few of these techs take any pride, at all, in their work.
So they sold you a car, and a CPO for crying out loud, that needed work right off the bat? Then wanted to CHARGE YOU FOR IT. Also, why would they want to replace calipers for a vibration concern? Rotors, sure.

They are supposed to check all of this with the CPO inspection. You have a very strong case to get reimbursed for your out-of-pocket expense.

Well, they showed you their hand. Believe them and stay away.
I would question if it was actually CPO. I had that situation several years ago buying a CPO. They didn't file the paperwork because it was so new, etc, etc.
I would question if it was actually CPO. I had that situation several years ago buying a CPO. They didn't file the paperwork because it was so new, etc, etc.

It wouldn't even surprise me. If I'm not mistaken, the dealerships pay the manufacture for the CPO status, which allows them to sell the vehicle at a higher price. There is certainly incentive for a corrupt dealership to lie about it.
I do have CPO warranty
They're going to tell you that the CPO warranty doesn't cover "wear" items and that's almost certainly accurate. The issue is, I'm quite certain that they can't "CPO" the vehicle with that issue existing. Tell them you're going to contact corporate Honda to inquire how they CPO'd the vehicle with this condition. Bet you they all of a sudden realize their oversight and it gets fixed under warranty.

And more importantly, if it's truly a manufacturer CPO warranty, it is NOT "with" this dealer. It's nationwide with any dealer for that manufacturer.
Also, why would they want to replace calipers for a vibration concern? Rotors, sure.
Well, it would solve the OP's problem 🤣