For months now, I have been baffled by the stream of rumors of Brand "C" GTZ dino motor oil. People keep saying, Brand "C" GTZ gunks up, forms deposits in, clogs up, and varnishes up engines, makes a mess of engine insides.
More often than not, I hang out in shops where engine tear-downs and overhauls are done. I can tell you that apart from cases where there has been an actual fire in the engine compartment, where the motor oil has actually caught fire, I have seen very, very few cases of gunking up, deposits, and/or varnishing. [of course, none of these guys left their oil in the engine for months, years....more of which to follow.....]
A post by Mystic in "Oil Filters," post date July 5, 2003, finally provides the explanation for all the bad rap suffered by Brand "C" GTZ motor oil.
I quote: "Years ago, I heard a lot of negative stuff about a certain brand of motor oil, which also happened to be a very popular brand. Some of the people who warned me......mechanics, who had seen...sludged up engines....what happened was, because the brand was so popular, the mechanics were bound to see a lot of sludged up engines. The mechanics asked the people....what brand of oil....using....added 2+2 and got 5. The problem.....not the oil.....probably poor maintenance. It merely seemed....sludged up engines [seemed to be] caused by that oil, because that oil was so popular."
Some people, one of my mechanics calls 'em "Farmer Johns,"[no slur intended on farmers in general] think the oil that came in the truck when bought new is good for the life of the truck. Of course, these individuals and their mechanics are going to get a shock when they get a look at the oil after a few years.
By contrast, some of the "boutique" oils are bound to get much less bad press than Brand "C" GTZ. I could home brew some sh*t motor oil, call it "Flimflam Hyper-Flow," and claim that it never gunks up engines. Which could well be true, but that is only because nobody would think of pouring it into their engine.
I just feel sorry for the fresh young automobile enthusiasts, those who have never hung out in workshops where the majority of customers use Brand "C" GTZ oil. They would never be able to distinguish the truth.....the truth being that if used according to manufacturer reccomendations, Brand "C" GTZ motor oil is the best product for ensuring longevity of engines. If I seem to be plugging brand "C," my apologies in advance. But truly, it deserves whatever plugs that comes its way. Outstanding service to the automotive public for 4 decades!!!!!!!
More often than not, I hang out in shops where engine tear-downs and overhauls are done. I can tell you that apart from cases where there has been an actual fire in the engine compartment, where the motor oil has actually caught fire, I have seen very, very few cases of gunking up, deposits, and/or varnishing. [of course, none of these guys left their oil in the engine for months, years....more of which to follow.....]
A post by Mystic in "Oil Filters," post date July 5, 2003, finally provides the explanation for all the bad rap suffered by Brand "C" GTZ motor oil.
I quote: "Years ago, I heard a lot of negative stuff about a certain brand of motor oil, which also happened to be a very popular brand. Some of the people who warned me......mechanics, who had seen...sludged up engines....what happened was, because the brand was so popular, the mechanics were bound to see a lot of sludged up engines. The mechanics asked the people....what brand of oil....using....added 2+2 and got 5. The problem.....not the oil.....probably poor maintenance. It merely seemed....sludged up engines [seemed to be] caused by that oil, because that oil was so popular."
Some people, one of my mechanics calls 'em "Farmer Johns,"[no slur intended on farmers in general] think the oil that came in the truck when bought new is good for the life of the truck. Of course, these individuals and their mechanics are going to get a shock when they get a look at the oil after a few years.
By contrast, some of the "boutique" oils are bound to get much less bad press than Brand "C" GTZ. I could home brew some sh*t motor oil, call it "Flimflam Hyper-Flow," and claim that it never gunks up engines. Which could well be true, but that is only because nobody would think of pouring it into their engine.
I just feel sorry for the fresh young automobile enthusiasts, those who have never hung out in workshops where the majority of customers use Brand "C" GTZ oil. They would never be able to distinguish the truth.....the truth being that if used according to manufacturer reccomendations, Brand "C" GTZ motor oil is the best product for ensuring longevity of engines. If I seem to be plugging brand "C," my apologies in advance. But truly, it deserves whatever plugs that comes its way. Outstanding service to the automotive public for 4 decades!!!!!!!