Cold flow rate vs age of oil

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Feb 4, 2003
Manitoba, Canada
This winter my oil will not be so old that I will HAVE to change it, (UOA should show that it can last until next spring or later) but in very cold weather I would like oil that has a great flow rate. Will RedLine with healthy UOA but 10 months age have different cold temperature performance than if it is only a month old? What I am getting at is, will I get better cold weather performance by changing it in November even if UOA shows it's OK, or will it be of minimal consequence if I leave it in another 10 months? (Totalling 12 - 14 months. Again assuming UOA's come back fine)
from what Ive pieced together, if the oil tends to collect a lot of soot, youll most likely see some shear thickening in any temperature, so I would have to guess that it depends upon a few things:
-particulate (soot, etc.) contamination
-shear stability of base oil and VIIs
-reaction to shear during use (overall thickening or thinning)

Synthetics retain their cold temperature performance much better than mineral oils, or so I've read. If you want to find out for yourself you need an oil analysis lab that gives viscosity at 100*C and 40*C. From that you can calculate VI and see how much you've lost.

Originally posted by JHZR2:
if the oil tends to collect a lot of soot,

It shouldn't. I have a by-pass oil filter. The oil is RedLine. The dipstick was showing a lovely shade of tan 4 months after my last change, went a bit darker after adding a few ounces of Auto-RX. UOA's done 5 and 8 months after the initial fill with RedLine (last year) came back fine, so when it was drained after 10 months I had ferrographic UOA (Not in the $10 to $15 range
) and it came back OK as well.
Bypass filter was added when the previous fill of RedLine was drained. All that stuff is in a different thread.
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