Originally posted by Drstressor:
The average guy can use a "second opinion" in many cases.
Yes, sometimes this is necessary.
However, has anyone thought it's not the labs fault per se, it could me a techs shortcomming.
Don't most of the reports show who ran the test?
Testing is just that little snapshot in the oil sample of the snapshot in the whole amount of engine oil in the snapshot of "X" amount of miles on the car, with all sorts of conditions changing, that was out-of-wack.
The thing that has been said here on the boards, and I agree with before I even read these boards is that there needs to be a trend in the oil to even get a good idea how or what is going right or wrong. Other things need to be considered like
equipment, environment, etcetera but it boils down to a trend. That's why only one test is not enough.
There can be 80 or 100 tests each 3k oil change, and everything looks like a cake walk, then the
81st or 101st is wild; does that mean the test was wrong? maybe the sample was pulled from a different place or with dirty equipment or with colder oil instead of hot or many more things that can throw off a test.
If you jump on the scale three times a day, you may just likely have three weights.
The trend in sampling here would be to be in your shorts, no shoes, etcetera, at say 7:00 each time.
Those guys IMO are like bean-counters, Yes, they may make a mistake here or there, but they do this stuff all day, and for the most part are as accurate as a hand grenade thrown in a tent with someone sleeping... it won't have to land on the guy to get him, it just has to come close, and they usually come close as a surgens knife. I have had a couple tests re-done, one was recounted my Microscope and was 1 count off on one thing and like 10-12 on another (particle).
Anyway, I think that I'd rather have a test from a lab that is a little off sometimes \
for whatever reason)
than use my own judgement to GUESS.