Car jack stuck

Feb 15, 2022
Hello, I have a car jack that is stuck, it looks like it’s all there. Any help would be appreciated.
I am not get it to release







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Did you over-extend it?

IF it were mine, I'd take the handle out, and give it a couple feet drop onto something hard. Might shake something loose.
That's a pretty cool item. I never saw one before. It looks like someone overextended it. If it's like ratchet straps, the only way you can get the ratchet to release is to go further until the pressure is taken off the release dog. It's gonna be tough, and you need to be real careful in case something "gives" suddenly.
Good luck!
go further until the pressure is taken off the release dog. It's gonna be tough, and you need to be real careful in case something "gives" suddenly.
^^THIS X 20.^^

My Dad had one of these in a 1983 Buick Regal wagon (IIRC).
What I do recall vividly is that EVERYONE EVERYWHERE maligned the cheap, stinking design.

I'd require a very important need for that jack to bother messing with it.....and I'm all for utilizing things and not wasting.
The cheap stampings used to make that leg crusher include pins and holes which were nowhere near precise in the first place.
No doubt it was jammed into the raised position while under weight.
Even if you got that carp jack freed up, I wouldn't trust the soundness of the metal bits.
The junk metal used is ready to tear as the loosened body of the jack will not keep things straight.

Honestly, the only worth that junk-jack has would be to complete an "original and complete" trunk tool kit.
These are good to have around the farm. My porch has a dip in the floor so I stuffed a cheezy scissor jack and some cribbing underneath. It's adjustable for frost heaving.
those types of jacks are not safe,stamped rack ,spring loaded paw, um no ,,,,junk it while you are still around,,
Factory spare jacks are designed specifically to fit the car that it came with. It's dangerous to use on other kinds of cars.

Anyway, I think on that model you have to flip the sliding piece near the handle lever to let it go down.