Can't see oil on dipstick b/c color is too clear

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Jul 4, 2003
San Antonio, TX
I either have to drill holes in the dipstick or use dark colored oil.

So what is the darkest colored dino oil? Darkest colored low end(price range) oil?
Scuff the reading area with coarse sandpaper. This will reflect and make it easier to read.
Most importantly, have someone with eyes under 40 years of age look at it.
Personally i'd just drill 1/8in(or smaller if possible) holes. 3 of them, one near the "add" mark, one in the middle, and one right below "full".
But the sand paper idea above would be less hassle and should work, infact i'd do both.
Okay....All GOOD ideas. In this case I know the oil is not contaminated(not sure about oxidation) so it's even ok to reuse 1 quart of old oil.

Wife helped me but that's just not the same. She didn't understand safe zone or cross hatch area so I still had to look myself.

I think I'll be able to see it if I sand, and check it in the morning before I leave. THANKS
If it's so clear you can't read it -- then add 1K to your next OCI -- change & put in the correct amount -- then check it 20 minutes after shutdown with 500 miles on the new oil... provided of course that you have no major leaks.

Originally posted by mechtech:
Scuff the reading area with coarse sandpaper. This will reflect and make it easier to read.
Most importantly, have someone with eyes under 40 years of age look at it.

I,m 52 I agree!!!
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