In terms of oil analysis data, I'd use these limits:
Total Solids < 0.7%
The variable that most effects TS levels is average trip length and speed. Short trips at low speeds lead to sludging - particularly in cold temps ....
TBN at or above 2.0, w/ ASTM D-4739
TBN at or above 4.0, w/ ASTM D-2896
You want active detergency/dispersancy at the end of the change interval ...
Viscosity Increase < 25%
Tied to oxidation/nitration levels and the # of partially burned fuel particles. Tied to soot levels in diesels ....
Oxidation/Nitration < 50% of their "allowable" limits.
Note: Many labs report Ox/Nit in "abs/cm" and typically use 30 units as the limit for petroleum lubes and 50 units the limit for synthetics. So you have to take the raw data and double it to get a percentage of the max allowable ....